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I stood on the stairs and watched as Rosa was about to check who it was, it was very unusual for us to have visitors but I had a feeling it was important.

Soon I heard the door click and heard Rosa conversing with whoever it was in a hush tone. It was like she didn't want me to here anything they were saying. I was about to go lower on the stairs to make out what they were saying until I heard her say "Please, come in! ".

I heard voices that made me believe we had visitors and not a visitor, I saw as five people whose appearance seemed to take my mind back in time approached the living room, each one of them looked oddly familiar. There were three men among them, one was an old man and the others seemed to be in their thirties. Obviously the last two people were women, they were identical twins which seemed to be kind of adorable. One of them looked grumpy with her face pulled in a scowl and ebony black hair that was pulled in a long braid that went just below her waist.

The other however seemed to be jovial with a smile playing across her lips and I wondered if it was because she was staring at me or if she was always like that. Her hair that I noticed was scarlet red was pulled in a ponytail as long as her sister's braid. I was trying to recall where I had seen them until I saw an old man in a brown robe, a staff and a brown hat to match on his head of silvery white hair that was just as white as his long beard. This felt too weird to be true, that was Merlin in my dream and the others were also in my dream.

I was lost in my thoughts trying to decipher if I had seen the future or tapped into someone else's dream when a voice pulled back my attention. "Ça va, my Child ? " it was the red head woman who asked in a thick French accent.

"Fine. Good morning.... " I lingered looking for the right word to addressed them with, seeing that they were both men and women and on top of that they looked like high ranked members in the world of magic.

"Good morning " they chorused luckily for me. Then they were talking in hush tones between themselves , some of them stole quick glances at me and I knew they were talking about me.

Soon Rosa appeared and walked towards the foot of the stairs . "Come here, will you? " she said to me and I walked down the stairs to meet her. "Everyone, here she is. This is Morgan ."

"Morgan these are the council members of all the covens across North America, I tell you they've all lived for centuries "

"Wow! " I placed a hand on my mouth in shock as I didn't mean to say that, now they were going to know how naive I really was.

I heard a giggle and shifted my gaze to the woman with dark hair. To hear her laugh gave me a weird feeling that was refreshing at the same time. She waved a hand to the air "I'm sorry. It's just you look so young and obviously naive yet even Hecate fears you greatly " Everyone turned to face her except for her sister who just gave me an apologetic look that seemed to be on behalf of her sister and that was when I knew what her sister had said wasn't meant as a compliment.

"Please, why don't you all have a seat and feel comfortable while Morgan and I get you something to eat " Rosa said trying to break the tension that was gradually forming and took them to the centre of the living room where they took to the comfort of the sofas. Just as we were going to the kitchen, I noticed as Rosa exchanged a weird look with one of the men whom I noticed also had white hair and blue eyes like her, I made a mental note to ask her about that later. It felt like there was a kind of variation between them and other witches, like they were from a common line of witches but I had never heard of a group of witches with while hair and blue eyes.

So Rosa and I decided to make turkey sandwiches and hot chocolate since it was still morning and the effect of the upcoming winter lingered in the air. For old Merlin, we just made macaroni and cheese. Rosa said he was a vegetarian and also had an affinity for cheese.

After we invited our guest to the table to have their meal, I saw Meggy running down the stairs with a cell phone in her hand. The sight was just so adorable, she was wearing only her underpants and shirt that did little to cover it up. She seemed to have just woken up from sleep.

She raced to kitchen and I followed her as she gave Rosa the cellphone that I didn't notice was ringing. "Mom, it's a call! it's a call... "

Rosa took the phone from her and placed it against her left ear. "Hello... " she went outside probably not wanting anyone to listen in on the conversation she was having.

I watched as Meggy looked at our guest in the dinning room dumbfounded, she hadn't seen them before now. It was so funny to see that she was suddenly feeling shy in her underpants which she was trying to hide with her shirt which she struggled to pull down with little hands.

"Hello, darling...... Come here. Don't be shy " the red hair woman called out to her and the others were also giving Meggy a welcoming smile which also made her feel tensed. She walked towards the red hair woman.

"Bonjour.... " Meggy greeted. Quite impressive I thought not only to the fact that Meggy just spoke French but that she also knew that the woman would prefer French, cunning little mind reader.

"Bonjour, my darling. ça va !"she responded.

"Oui, Ca va bien, Merci! "

"Beautiful! " the red hair woman exclaimed with wide eyes. "I never knew a child in America as young as this one who could speak French more fluently ". Her sister who seemed to have a negative opinion about everything just rolled her eyes and I wondered her problem was.

"Now tell me young one. Comme tu t'appelles ? "

"Je m'appelle Megan " this time Meggy spoke with difficulty but was still beautiful.

"Oh, so adorable! " she carried Meggy and placed her on her laps to sit.

I heard the kitchen door closed and watched as an anxious looking Rosa came to drop the news to us. "Lopez is on her way home. She said they will be here in less than an hour "
My stomach tightened in joy, I have missed them a lot, especially Janet and Jaden.

"oh Morgan, I'm going to miss you " Janet said with a sigh before throwing me my pair of jean which I had almost forgotten on the ironing board. I rolled it like a rug before squeezing it lazily into my luggage.

"Oh, Come here you! " I said while I spread my arms open inviting her for an embrace. Soon she was close and just as we were about to embrace I felt a light buzz in the air , like she was electrostatic but quickly dismissed it.

"Ah! There you go " I patted her on her back. "Soon I'll be back and you are going to tell me everything I missed from your holiday in France." she sniffed lightly and I pushed her away gently to see if she was crying

" Miss Janet, now don't you start crying all over me like a baby. Big girls don't cry, oui? Besides it's not the end of the line for me and I'll be back next year "

"No you won't, Morgan. You are never coming back"

"Excuse me! " I exclaimed in shock hoping I hadn't heard whatever it was I thought I did.

"Oh!" she covered her mouth with her little hands in a way that made me felt like she was hiding a lot from me. "Please Morgan don't freak out but maybe I should talk to you about it"

"About what? "I asked with curiosity which she must have mistaken for fear because she was no longer looking convince whether it will do good to let me in her little secret.

"Well, I... Uhm.... I, well, for sometime now...." she was saying before aunt Lopez swung the door opened. " Morgan, why on earth are you still here. Merlin is about to leave and you can't afford to be left behind " she took my luggage "here, let me help you with this "

I walked slowly looking from side to side at the room that had always been sanctuary to me, strangely I was beginning to feel like a stranger in my own home. Was it really my home?, Lopez and Antonio have been nice to me but still they weren't my parents. Not one of them could fill that empty space that glowered inside me. I realized how lonely I had been ever since I was born, even though I never knew my parents they were still irreplaceable.

So who's hungry for some turkey sandwiches. Hmm, and hot chocolate. I still don't know what cheese taste like but I'm sure it's delicious.
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