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The Sun peered through the cloudy sky , making the cold effect of the upcoming winter felt. The sweet scent of cookies and pancakes permeated the air as it had become a tradition in the Woodson family every Saturday morning for the past few weeks.

The Woodson family had been living in their modest yet beautiful home for a decade as it was an inheritance from their maternal side of the family. It was a beautiful brown Tudor home with a fireplace outside where they sometimes sat by in order to warm up themselves.

They scrambled to the kitchen like they were little kids fighting to get to the last chocolate bar in a candy shop, each trying to outrun the other. Morgan placed both hands and legs on either side of the door post to prevent her cousins from overtaking her.
"You are not playing fair, Morgan out the way!" Janet said with her voice sounding more like a squeal while trying to push her out of the way. Her strength wasn't enough to push her older cousin out of the way. "I quit okay?, What's the point of racing to the kitchen every morning when you always cheat" Jaden, the twin brother of Janet said with hands to the air as a sign of his surrender as he walked back away from the girls who were still struggling at the door post.
"Kids what's going on down there? " Lopez, the mother of Janet and Jaden yelled from her bedroom that was on the top floor. "Mum, it's Morgan " Janet shouted in reply before sticking out her tongue at Morgan who just rolled her eyes.
"Now what has Morgan done this time? "Antonio, their father said while walking down the stairs, Lopez followed behind.
Seeing what they were doing he smiled "Morgan aren't you a little to old to be doing that?, I don't see why you kids enjoy racing to the kitchen when you are all going to eat. "
"Morning dad! "Janet and Jaden echoed and Morgan followed suit. Even though she wasn't his biological child she still called him dad. "Morning kids, now where did I keep my glasses" he murmured the last part to himself while scratching his head wearily. Unlike his wife Lopez, Antonio was tall and very well built with an head of short ebony black hair. His eyes bore an hazel brown colour that was obviously different from Lopez's pitch black . He had an habit of forgetting where he kept his glasses, good thing he was only short sighted.

Seeing that Lopez was about to pass they both left the door post hurriedly and followed behind her. They came out of the kitchen with already made breakfast. Lopez carried a big kettle of tea since they weren't a fan of coffee and a bowl of croissant. Janet and Morgan were left to bring along the pancakes and cookies. The Jacksons were known for their habit of eating sugary things, it's no wonder Lopez had a pastry shop.

Jaden went into the kitchen to bring dishes and cups for each person and a serving spoon. It cost him three walks to the kitchen, but he couldn't care less. Anything to make him start eating ,he couldn't wait to start feeding his hungry stomach.

After breakfast was served they all ate without talking, it was a tradition in their family. Zeus help them if their father caught any of them talking. He was as strict as he was gentle. The last time Jaden ignored their unwritten law on not talking while eating, he was made to stay in his room in complete isolation for a whole weekend. After breakfast, the girls had to wash the dishes but Jaden stayed in the kitchen with the girls, he enjoined keeping them company.

Just before he went back upstairs with Lopez, Antonio said "Kids get ready by 12pm we will all go to the mall" the kids replied with a loud "hurray!" except for Morgan, who seemed nonchalant to the announcement.

Morgan's pov:
Janet was looking in the timber framed wall mirror and applying a light make up to her face. They had no idea what was going on. They going to the mall with their father was a ploy by my aunt to enable us continue training on Saturday since Janet and Jaden didn't have school to keep them away from home. They had no idea their mom was a witch and Dad on the other hand wasn't any magical creature but he was an endowed.
That means he was favoured or gifted by a god, in his case he was gifted with immortality which was more like a curse if you ask me.

I sat on the bed and watched Janet who wore a black colour long sleeved shirt, a black leggings ,a multi coloured designer's short and a black sneakers to fit as she applied a strawberry lip gloss on her already pink lips, I still don't understand how a fifteen year old could take makeup so seriously like her life depended on it. She never went anywhere without it.
"Morgan, why don't you come with us? "she asked me as she gave me her best puppy eye look "Sorry maybe next time, I have an errand to run for your mum" I lied with a smile plastered on my face hoping she believed me.
"okay your luck I guess" she said as she returned my smile and turned back to the mirror.

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