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Today made it two weeks since my encounter with "mystery man" as I liked to call him. I couldn't remember what his name was, something that began with D and had an N, Dean or whatever I wasn't so sure, "Mystery man" was suitable. It wasn't like I knew a thing about him. He probably was in his early twenties . After the first time i saw him around Mrs Guanalupe's house I had expected him to have an evil personality but that was the exact opposite, but what was he doing around Mrs Guanalupe's. He wasn't a warlock for sure which means he could be dormant human and if he was then we were all in trouble. He must have seen all of us trooping to the old mansion in the middle of the night all dressed up in black. The ordinary humans never had goodwill for witches, it was either they wanted to kill us claiming that we were offsprings of the devil or they wanted to use us for some sort of experiments to figure out how we got our abilities.

He was tender hearted, who would have expected someone like that to show that much kindness. It was kind of childish how he wanted me to tell him what was bothering me even though he was a stranger.

Little fingers snapped in front of my face "Snap out of it Morgan, quit thinking of prince Charming " Janet scolded playfully.

I hit her hand away"Take your hand out of my face ,Janet! . What makes you think that I'm thinking about a guy? Besides what do you want? " I asked her rolling my eyes.

"isn't it obvious?, you were smiling to yourself" she smirked with hands on her waist. "Janet! " we heard aunt Lopez yelled from the living room.

"Coming mom " she yelled back. Turning to me she started fidgeting her hands anxiously "please please Morgan help me, I can't find my pink lace blouse mom's gonna kill me. Help me with yours you know they look identical" she said hurriedly with her voice sounding like a whisper.

"Whoa! Hold it right there miss what do you mean by you can't find your pink lace blouse? " I left the bed and walked to the wardrobe with her following behind. I turned back to face her with a hand on my waist " Janet? "

"okay, okay I admit it. I gave mine to Taylor, she needed it for a party she attended yesterday and she still hasn't returned it. Please.... Morgan!" she placed both palm together as a universal sign of please.

"hmm!, so you gave out your dress and now you want mine? How interesting "

"please! Morgan. You have to help you so mom don't find out".

"I can't find out what? " we were both shocked when we heard aunt Lopez who had just open the door. "Mom, I unmmm "Janet tried to figure out at excuse but failed miserably.

"You umm what? " Aunt Lopez demanded. In moments like this I considered myself as Janet's saviour "She's still feeling hungry. Hahaha" I laughed weakly at my own silly excuse, lucky for us she bought it.

"We will get something to eat on our way. Now where's the pink blouse I asked you to bring? " she narrowed her eyes at Janet who turned to face me "That's what Morgan is about to bring out. She accidentally kept it in her wardrobe. Morgan please be fast with my pink lace blouse" she stress the "my" and gave me a knowing look.

"Honey! hurry up we are late." dad yelled from the living room. I threw the blouse to Janet who was already running with aunt Lopez out of the room. I followed behind them.

Lopez tucked the blouse into Janet's luggage and before carrying it out she turned to give me one last instruction "Don't forget to call if anything comes up. Stay at alert, Rosa will be coming in the evening. She will not always be around but she will come anytime she is less busy to keep you company "

"okay" I said weakly and watched as she went outside with the luggage. " You will call whenever you begin to miss me, non? " Janet said with a French assent.

" Very funny but unfortunately no one is going to miss you "
"Awww! Playing tough with me, let's see how tough you really her" she hit me on the back and ran towards the door but she was too slow .just as she was about to pass the door, I pulled her back and hit her up to seven times on her head as she was laughing and dodging to prevent me from hitting her on her back.

"Stop it Morgan you are killing me"she was laughing hysterically and I on the other was pretending to be serious and refused to laugh with her.

"Janet! " Aunt Lopez yelled from outside. "Coming mom! " she replied before hitting me one last time and running out of the door. I was saving my vengeance for when they returned from grandma's place in France.

I shut the door and watched from the window as they drove off. I knew I was going to miss them but still I liked the idea of having the house to myself for two weeks.

Strangely, I was beginning to feel exhausted even though it was just morning. Soon my vision became blurred and it was like everything was moving fast but me. My migraine was about to reoccur. My head hurt like it was about to blow off, every little sound amplified like it was connected to a loud speaker and the light of day hurt my eyes like I was about to become blind. I crawled up the stairs to my room and climbed my bed. As soon as I shut my eyes I entered a state of oblivion.

I woke up with a mild headache, at least it was a sign of relief. I walked up to the mirror , just as a expected my red velvet gown was still in good shape and so I decided I was going for a walk without changing my dress.

I padded down the stairs to the kitchen where I drank a glass of water before living the house. Even though it was midday, frost still covered the grassland as an evidence of the upcoming winter. It was a good time for a stroll since it wasn't as hot as summer and I wouldn't get my pale skin tanned.

I locked the door and placed the key in it's hiding place, the doormat. I walked slowly and as soon as I was a stone throw away from the house, I turned back to look at it before continuing my journey.

I saw children who were running behind different houses playing hide and seek, men who crowded the open 'Jack and Jill' bar to either watch football , have a drink or both. They cheered whenever a player scored or even missed a goal.

I heard the sweet melodies from the choir in the church across the road. I had never attended a church service in my life because it was against my beliefs as a witch. As I turned to face the church, I saw two women who were whispering to each other and were both giving me death stares, obviously they were talking about me.

I couldn't care less whether or not they like me and so I continued my walk. I walked to the forest all the while hoping that I was going to run into 'mystery man' . I heard noises of birds and other little animals in the forest but there was no sign of my 'mystery man'.

I was close to the other end of the forest but decided it was best to go back home. As I turned back I heard a sound from the lake that was at the other end of the forest. I waited to hear the sound again and I did, someone was throwing stones in the lake. Deep down I hoped it was mystery man as I walked to the lake.

Soon I was at the other end of the forest and I saw who it was that wouldn't leave the lake in peace.

Even I am dying to know who it is. Could it be mystery man? Or what if it's someone dangerous? *gasps*

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