Chapter 14

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I don't do much as the days pass. Zach wants us to stay on the down low for a while and I still haven't spoken to the guys, so I just continue to get high by myself. I'm usually never home until I have to go to bed. Most of the time I will take my guitar to the beach and play for hours. Whenever Zach does want to do something, he drives us to different playgrounds and parks late at night. We spray paint different words and drawings all over the surfaces, creating art that many people will not be happy to find. 

On the weekends, Zach takes me out to different clubs and we each find girls to hook up with. I never thought that I would be like this, but I have lost track of how many women I have slept with. I say women, because some of them have been quite a bit older than me. What can I say? I attract all ages.

Ever since Ms. Perkins kept me after class that one day, I have noticed my attraction for her grow. I'm not sure if it's because she is older than me or because she's my teacher and I know that I can't have her. I don't like not getting what I want. Sometimes I stick around after everyone has left to see if she notices. Most of the time she doesn't even make eye contact with me until I make my way to the door. I know that she is intrigued by me; I know because I get that same look a lot. Plus, how couldn't she find me attractive? I mean look at me. I will have her.

After math class is over on Tuesday, I stay in my seat as the rest of the class leaves. I impatiently tap my finger tips on the desk. She will notice me today, even if I have to make her.

"Is there something you need, Luke?" She asks without looking up from a quiz that she is grading. My plan worked.

I slide out of my seat, but stay standing next to the desk. "Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me with one of the problems on tonight's homework?" She looks at me this time, surprised at my words. 

"Well of course," she says with a smile. She motions for me to come to her desk and clears a spot before sitting on it.

I smile back and walk towards her, looking eager. I pull out my geometry book and open it to the blank paper I had used to save the page with the homework questions on it. I point to question number seven, which was a random number that I had picked. Little does she know, I already know the answer; I just needed an excuse to talk to her.

"Okay," she begins. "So basically you just need to find the coordinates of Point B, do you remember how to do that?"

"No," I lie. My innocent face makes her smile and I scoot closer to her as she begins to instruct me on how to find the answer. I act like I'm paying attention for a few minutes, but then I look up and stare at her.

"There. So, do you remember now?" She asks and looks up at me.

"Oh, yeah. Thank you," I say with a smile.

"Here, you try the next one." She hands me her pencil and my paper that she has just finished writing on. I grab it and begin to work out the next problem on the paper while she watches me. When I finish, she pats me on the back. "There you go! See, I knew you were smart," she says softly. Her face falls slightly as she looks up into my eyes that are already staring into her's. She lets out a small sigh, but does not take her eyes off of me. "I-is there anything else I can help you with?" She asks with a smile.

"Yes," I whisper. 

"What is it, Luke?" She asks. Her eyes grow wide as I begin to lean closer towards her face. I can feel her breaths get quicker as I near her.

"I just...Need to do one thing..." I trail off. I lick my lips and know that this drives her wild. 

Before she can say anything else, our lips clash together gently. Surprisingly, she does not pull away. Instead, her tongue slips into my mouth and tangles with my own. This goes on for only a few seconds until she pulls away quickly.

"Luke!" She yells. Her breathing has picked up and her face is bright red. "You need to leave, right now."

I bite down onto my bottom lip and smile. "See you tomorrow, Ms. Perkins." I grab my stuff and head out of the classroom, not looking back at the frazzled woman I had just kissed.

Her cherry chapstick still remains on my lips and I lick them, tasting the sweetness to remind me of what had just happened. I walk to lunch with the sweet aftertaste of her still lingering on my tongue. 

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After school, I go to Zach's house. He lights up a bowl and we pass it back and forth, the raging cough follows shortly after each inhale.

"So you'll never guess what I did today," I say as I cough and pass the bowl back to him.

"What's that?" He asks before taking a hit.

"I totally made out with Ms. Perkins," I say proudly.

He breaks out into a worse coughing fit than he would have if I didn't say that. I laugh as he tries to catch his breath. "Dude, you're lying!" He says with a laugh.

"I swear to God. She totally wants me. But you cannot tell anyone," I demand.

"And why not? Every guy at school would bow down to you."

"She'd get fired, and then I wouldn't be able to look at that ass everyday."

"Yeah, you're right..." He trails off. "You wouldn't be able to do her either," he says with a smirk.

"Yeah right, I couldn't do that anyways. There's no way she'd let me, she practically threw me off of her today when she realized what was happening," I laugh.

"Well if you don't try to get it in, you're a pussy. I know you could do it, you just have to get her alone."

I think about his words. I've never had sex with one of my teachers, but it would be pretty cool to say I have. I giggle and change the subject, though the thought remains in my mind. 

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