Chapter 15

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His hand goes limp against my back and I know that he has fallen into a deep sleep. I feel the heat escape my skin as his warm fingers fall away from me. I am lost without his touch. As I roll over to find the sleeping beauty, I know that I cannot wake him. I always wonder what he dreams of. Is it similar to the way that I dream of him, walking through a world of nothing but the two of us?

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The rest of the week flies by with talk about an upcoming party on Friday night. The same few guys throw parties throughout the year. Usually parties are expected to only have all of the guys from the school's sports teams and the sluttiest girls you can find; not in our town.

Everyone always goes to the parties, with only a select few people from our school not showing up. Even people from other nearby schools attend our parties, making the houses extremely difficult to walk through. Since most of us are not eighteen yet, we have to try hard not to get busted. It also makes alcohol hard to get, especially when you have to bring your own to the party.

"Dude just ask your new girlfriend to get it," Zach says with a laugh. We were discussing how we were going to get some of our own alcohol for the party tonight. 

"Who, Ms. Perkins?" I ask.

"Yeah! She's what, twenty-five right?" He asks.

"I don't know," I laugh. 

"Just ask her!"

"Dude, she's not gonna buy us alcohol." 

He sighs. "Fine, I'll figure something out. See you later," he says as he makes his way to his class.

As I arrive to geometry, I glance at Ms. Perkins. Ever since we kissed, she hasn't spoken to me. She will occasionally look at me, but quickly turns her eyes away from me. She looks extra hot today, wearing an even lower cut shirt than before. I can tell that her pants are too tight for me to handle, but a long cardigan covers what I really want to see. 

As she begins to teach, I lie my head my desk. I barely slept last night, as usual, but I'm too tired to actually attempt to pay attention today. Luckily sleeping helps the period go by, and it feels like not even five minutes after I had laid my head down the bell rings. I grab my things and make my way to the door.

"Luke, hold on a minute please," I hear her voice say. I stop where I am, turn around to face her, and let the rest of the students behind me make their way to lunch. I walk over to her desk, but she doesn't look up at me. 

"Yes?" I ask.

"You will be staying after school with me," she demands. "We're going to work on some things. There's a big test coming up and I'm not going to let you fail." I stand there, not saying anything. "You can go now," she says sternly.

As I make my way out of the classroom, I realize that I can't be mad about having to stay after. Even though there is a party tonight and I would much rather be getting high beforehand, I will be alone with Ms. Perkins. 

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The rest of the day goes by slowly. Nobody really talks about anything besides the party, which just causes the excitement to grow. I sleep in all of my classes, not being able to keep myself awake no matter how I try. When the bell finally rings, releasing everyone from school, people excitedly grab the things they need for the weekend and head out in groups. I, however, throw all of my books into my locker and tell Zach that I will meet him at his house.

"Don't wait up for me. If it gets too late I'll just meet you at the party," I say. I'm not sure how long I will be here with Ms. Perkins, but I'm surely not going to rush anything.

By the time I say bye to him and make it to her classroom, it is now almost an hour after school has been released. As I walked down the hallway, I notice that most all of the teachers have left. They usually stay late after school, but no one really sticks around on Fridays. I caught on to this pattern after many detentions throughout the years. 

It is quiet when I reach her room and she is working on something at her desk. She looks up when she hears me step into the room. "Please, shut the door." I do as she says and take a seat at the desk right in front of her own. 

"So, what are we going to be doing?" I ask curiously. 

"We will discuss that when I am finished." Her tone is different than usual, almost hostile. I slouch down in my chair like I usually sit and patiently wait for her. It takes her almost fifteen minutes before she finally finishes and puts the papers away. "Okay," she says as she stand ups and sighs. I notice now that she has taken the cardigan off and her whole lower body is revealed to me, begging to be free of the tight pants she's wearing. She walks away from her desk, not looking at me once. "You've been slacking majorly, Luke. I know that you are smart, so I'm curious as to why you don't put any effort in."

She makes her way over to the door and peeks out the long, skinny window that looks into the hallway. I stay silent, not knowing what she wants me to say. I'm not really in the mood to be harassed about not trying hard enough. This causes me to be wishing that I was on my way home, getting ready for the party.

"Do you have anything to say to that?" She asks. She turns around and faces me, the first time that she has made eye contact with me all day. 

"Not really," I respond plainly. 

She sighs again and walks towards me slowly. "Mr. Hemmings, what am I going to have do in order for you to pay attention and actually try in school?" She asks. "Your behavior is unacceptable." She is now hovering over me at my desk. If I stood up, it would be the other way around.

"You can't make me do anything, Ms. Perkins," I demand. This only angers her.

Suddenly, she surprises me and sits on top of my desk. She lets out a small laugh, but the closeness of her body to mine causes me to take my lip ring in between my teeth. I'm not sure what she is trying to accomplish here.

"Listen here," she says softly. She leans down to meet my face with her own. "You will do whatever I say, I am your teacher, you know." She is now only inches away from me.

"And what do you want me to do?" I whisper.

"Kiss me," she whispers back. 

I grab her head hard, gripping her hair and pulling her into me. Our lips meet again and I breathe hard against her face. I stand up and come to the other side of my desk so that I can have full control of her body. She tugs on my shirt and I lift her up off of the desk. She wraps her legs around my waist and I walk quickly over to her desk. I lie her down and she pushes away all of the items under and around her onto the floor. She looks at me with hungry eyes and begins to undo the button and zipper on my pants. I do the same, out of breath and ready for this.

I pull her pants off of her along with her underwear and lick my lips at the sight in front of me. She reaches over on the side of her desk and pulls open the top drawer. She grabs a condom and holds it in front of me with a smile.

"I've been waiting for this, you know," she says. 

I hurriedly grab the condom and rip it open. I uncover myself and slide the condom on. Luckily all of the blinds for the windows along the side wall have been closed, but I hope that no one sees us from the hallway. She doesn't seem too worried about it when she pulls my face back down to her's. I slide myself into her and she moans softly. I thrust in and out of her slowly and then pick up my speed. This continues along with our lips molding together for what seems like hours. When I finally reach my climax, she moans loudly and rolls her eyes to the back of her head. There are now even more things spread out all over the floor around us.

"You should go," she whispers as we both pull our pants back on. "Have a good weekend," she says with a smile. 

"I'll see you Monday," I wink. I quickly grab my things and quietly exit the room. 

Well, there's one thing that I can cross off of my bucket list. 

Life In the Pain (Punk Luke Hemmings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora