Chapter 5

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I touch his skin and the simple action sets me on fire. As I lie next to him, my body becomes engulfed, surrounded by heat. So hot am I now that I have to move away as I start to feel the sweat penetrate my skin.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"This is fucking awesome," Zach says as he holds his half of the cash. 

"Yeah it is," I say, looking down to my share laying out on the small coffee table in his room. 

"That was exhilarating. I can't wait to do it again," he laughs. I am taken aback by his words and I stare at him in confusion. "What, you didn't think we weren't going to continue this?" He breaks out laughing. "I don't know about you, but one thousand dollars each sure isn't enough for me."

I gulp hard. I don't know why I feel so nervous about the situation, but it doesn't give me a good feeling. I'm not sure what's worse, thinking about getting caught or imagining all of the people to look as horrified as the lady we just robbed. 

"Look," he interrupts my thoughts. "I know you're probably freaked out. It was my first time too, but look at this shit," he says as he holds up his money. "Do you not understand how much more we can get? Think about all of the things you could do with all of that money too, you can have anything you want! We're getting paid without even having a job," he laughs once again. "So quit being a little bitch and enjoy this."

I sigh. "You're right," I smile. I try to ignore the pit in my stomach and pick up my cash once more.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Hey man," I hear a familiar voice next to me. I grab two more books from my locker, shut the door and turn towards Calum. "You look exhausted," he says as he looks me up and down.

"Yeah I uh, couldn't sleep last night," I lie. I didn't get home from Zach's until almost 3:30 this morning. However, I wasn't going to mention that to Calum or the rest of the guys. 

"Oh I gotcha," he says as we begin to walk. "You're coming to Michael's after school, right?" He asks. Fuck. I had forgotten that I told Ashton that I would come tonight since I couldn't last night. I really didn't want to, all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed after school.

"Yeah, I'll be there," I answer after a moment. I haven't hung out with the guys in a while and Zach had nothing planned for us tonight. 

"Awesome! I'll see you later then, mate," he says as he waves goodbye. He turns around and walks into a classroom, out of my sight. 

Though I am extremely drained, I am somewhat relieved to be hanging out with them tonight. I feel a lot better about myself when I'm with them, it's completely different than being with Zach. I arrive to my first class of the day and slump into my desk. 

It is difficult for me to stay awake all day. What's even more difficult is trying to sleep without getting caught, which doesn't happen to often. As I walk to lunch, I am nudged on the shoulder. I look over and have to look down to find Myra walking next to me. 

"Hey," she says.

"What's up?" I ask as we continue to walk.

"Oh nothing. Walking perfectly fine, no thanks to you." I immediately know she is referring to how she would not be able to walk right if we had had sex yesterday.

"Shit, I completely forgot that I had asked you to hang out," I say.

"Oh it's fine. I'm just glad I know that there's nothing better that you could have been doing." She smiles mischievously. I decide against mentioning my hook up with Taylor, thought the sex wasn't half as good. She's right.

"Well I wish I could invite you over tonight, but unfortunately I already have plans."

"Same, so sorry about your luck. See you around baby." She walks in front of me and blows me a kiss before turning around and meeting up with a group of her friends. I can't help but stare at her ass in those tight jeans that I love so much. I sigh and can't help but bite down on my lower lip as I think about our conversation. I will be sure to make no plans for the next two nights other than having her in my bed. Naked. 

My head begins to ache slightly as I walk into the lunch room. I can't tell if it is from hunger or exhaustion. I meet my three friends at our normal table after getting my own food and they welcome me with smiles. They excitedly talk about tonight. I zone out as a million thoughts run through my mind. Luckily, not one of those thoughts has to do with any trace of regret I had about robbing the store last night. I think Zach is right, getting the money is gonna make a huge difference in my life. 

No matter how we get there, one day we'll be rich. 

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For those of you who have stuck around, I appreciate you. For those of you who are new readers, I love you. Please forgive me for my lack of writing. I have been going through so much in the last year and it has caused me to be busy and to have extreme writers block due to not having enough time to think about writing. I know the story is boring right now and possibly hard to follow, but it will get better and it will be worth it. For those of you who are angry with me for the ending of the last book, I can promise you that your questions about More Than Yesterday will be answered in this book. 

Don't give up on me

i love you all so much

- b 

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