Chapter 15: In Loving Memory

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Mugman's P.O.V.
I pick up Boris after I make the call and carry him to the nearest hospital. Once I get in, I hurry to the front desk. A nurse that's passing by notices all the blood and immediately tells me to follow her. I do so. Boris's breathing is getting shallower by the minute. "C'mon Boris. Stay with me. Stay with me. Please. You're like the little brother I've never had." I try to comfort him while trying my best to comfort myself. {It's going to be okay. It's all going to be fine. The doctors will help him. They have to. He'll survive. He's strong. I know it.} Some doctors arrive. I lay Boris down on the gurney they brought. "M-Mugs..." he speaks for the first time since he got shot. "Y-Yeah Boris?" He looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "I don't want to die." Those few words shattered my heart. He's so young. Of course he doesn't wanna die. He still has his whole life ahead of him. "You're not gonna die. I promise." I tell him, unsure of my own words. "Mugs, I-I love you. You were like my second big brother. You helped me th-through hard t-times. I don't want t-to leave so soon." Now it's my turn to cry. "I love you too, Boris. You're not gonna die. I said I promise." The doctors take him away. I walk outside and collapse on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. The voice in my head keeps telling me not to make promises I can't keep. I hear some footsteps approaching but I think nothing of it until I feel two hands on both sides of my shoulders. I look up only to see Bendy and Cuphead. "Hey, Mugs. Is Boris being attended to right now?" Bendy asks, trying to keep his voice calm but I can hint the urgency in it. "Y-Yeah...." I stand up. My legs feel weak. Cuphead pats my back. "Hey, bud. It's okay. You did what you could. He'll be fine." {How many lies do we have to tell ourselves until we realize it won't be okay?} I look at him and he pulls me into a hug. I hug back and just stand there emotionless.

Bendy's P.O.V.
Unable to stay here anymore, I walk inside. I go up to the front desk and the receptionist looks at me in suprise. "Sir, are you okay?" She asks. In confusion I ask, "What do you mean?" She replies with, "Your arm, sir. It's bleeding." I mentally facepalm myself. "Yeah, don't worry. It's fake blood. Umm can you tell me which room Boris is in?" I ask. She looks suspicious. "Are you a friend of his, sir?" "No. I'm his brother." I reply. "Little brother?" She asks, looking a bit sad. "What? No. Surprisingly I'm his big brother." I'm a tiny bit annoyed. "Oh. Well I can't give out that information just yet, sir but I can give you updates when they're given to me." "Okay. Thanks." I walk into the waiting room. Then, remembering my arms, I get up and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the water then wash off the dried blood on my arms. It stings a little bit, but not too much. {Please let Boris be okay. I can't imagine a life without him. He's my little brother. I can't bear the thought of losing my only sibling.} I start to cry. I hear the door open. "Bendy? Are you okay?" I hear Cuphead's voice. I freeze. He walks over and gasps. "Bendy! What the hell?!??" He grabs my arm and examines the cuts. "What the fuck, Bends! Why would you do this to yourself?!??" He asks angrily. "Well maybe if you hadn't been an asshole and forgotten about me, it wouldn't have happened!!!" I yank my arm back and turn off the water. Cuphead looks down. I start to walk away only to be brought into a hug. A tight, meaningful one. "I'm sorry, Bends. I completely agree with you. I'm an asshole for leaving you and breaking our promise..." he mumbles the last part. I hug him tighter. "Cuphead... our promise? You smoked?!?" I ask, crying. "I'm sorry. I was just.... I felt like it would be useless to keep a promise that you didn't even remember." He sort of started petting me. "I'm also sorry for yelling at you. It's the last thing you need right now. I love you, Bends. I just don't want you harming yourself. Especially because of me." We slowly release each other. Cuphead grabs my arms and looks up at me. "The only person who deserves this is me." He lets go of my arms and gives me a kiss. When we pull away he asks, "Wanna check on Boris?" I reply with, "Sure." We walk out holding each other's hands. Mugman rushes to us, panicking. "Guys! Where have you been?!?!" "We were just.... that doesn't matter, why are you so panicked?" Cup asks. "B-Because Boris is.... He's... Boris is dead!!! He's frickin dead!!! He's gone!!!" Mug collapses on the floor. "WHAT?!?!?" Cuphead shouts. As for me, the whole world is spinning. Memories... everything Boris wouldn't be able to do. Everything I wouldn't be able to do with him. He's gone. No longer alive. I'm not longer a brother. Not any more. I sink to the floor too. "WHY?!? WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE TAKEN ME?!?! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE MY LITTLE BROTHER!!! Why.... he had so much to live for. HE FUCKING HAD SO MUCH TO OFFER TO THIS FUCKED UP WORLD!!! My light... my little brother... is no longer with me.." I scream out, my voice wavering. Cup, Mugs and I are kneeling on the floor, unable to believe any of this.

-Smol, sad timeskip to the funeral-

Bendy's P.O.V.
I watch as the casket that holds my little brother is being lowered down. Never again will I be able to see his happy face in the morning. Never again will I have to make my special pancakes for him. I won't be able to see him graduate from high school, I won't be able to celebrate his wedding... no more of that. I stay at his grave after everyone has left and lean on Cuphead's shoulder.

-Sorry, another timeskip to a few months later-

Cuphead's P.O.V.
Bendy has been doing good ever since.... Boris's death. He's finally happy and he's glad that Boris is in a better place. Sometimes he breaks down but I let him know that I'm always here for him. I'm glad he's better now, and I'm glad we're together. My heart may have been pretty fucked up buut, I can't control the habits of it. I'm glad it chose to stay true and help Bendy. Instead of hurting him even more. Until next time, stay true to your hearts.

The End.
A/N: Should I make an alternate ending? I'm sorry, I know it was supposed to be a happy ending buuuut I was kinda listening to some depressing songs. So, yeah. This was the outcome of it. Just comment if you want me to end it like this, or if you want me to make a happier chapter😁byyyeee and thank you so much for reading this book! 💙💙

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