Chapter 14: Remembering

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Mugman's P.O.V.
I knock on the door. Fanny opens it. "Why hello there, erm, what's your name again?" She asks. "Mugman. Where's Cuphead?" I ask. "Cuphead??? Oh! He left a few minutes ago." She responds. "Where?" "I haven't the slightest idea." She replies, looking a bit unamused. "Well... thanks for nothing." I mutter and walk back to my car. "Where the heck could he be?" I ask myself. I try to call his phone. He picks up after a few tries. "Hello?" "Cup! Where are you?" I ask desperately. "Why?" "Just-ah! I have to tell you something." I respond. "Well, what do you have to tell me?" He asks. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Bendy!" I shout. "Bendy? What about him?" He asks. Even over the phone I can hear his tone of sadness when he hears Bendy's name. "He still likes you! He confessed to me earlier. He still cares about you and he wants to be with you." No response. "And here you are acting like a jackass! Bendy thinks you don't care about him at all! But I know you do. I just know." I hear a sniffle. "How do I.... know you're not making this up?" He asks. "Cup... you're my brother. Why would I lie to you?" I ask. "Where's Bendy?" He asks. "He's back at home. If you would just go over there and show him how much he means to you, then it'll all work out!" I respond eagerly. "Okay..."


Boris's P.O.V.
I check my watch and see that it's 10 p.m. "Darn it. I didn't think I'd be here for that long. I'd better get back to Bendy!" I get up and start walking away from my quiet place. It's a beautiful night. Slightly windy, some of the stars are out, and the smell of wet sand is invigorating. I stroll past the park and start jogging a bit so I can get home faster. Once I reach the front door, I open it only to hear Cuphead and Bendy arguing. I walk inside but they don't seem to notice me, so I walk over to Mug. Mug looks at me. "Hey, Boris. We should... we should give them some alone time, alright?" He asks. I nod and we walk outside again.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
"I don't care about her! I swear!" I yell. I had gotten home to talk to Bendy and it went well for a few minutes until we got on the subject of Fanny. "Yeah right! You're always around her and you can't even stand to be around me! Actions speak louder than words, Cuphead!" He crosses his arms. "Well my actions were fucking stupid! I didn't think you'd want to be with me anymore! I was just trying to of numb the pain.... the reality of you not being able to remember me..." I sigh. He stiffens up a bit. "Cup... I do remember you. I remember everything..." I look up at him in shock. "W-What?" "I.... I found this old picture of us." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a picture of him and I. I grab it and examine it. "After I found that, I looked through my room to see if I could find anything else. I found lots of things. And... I remembered lots of things. Even you." He looks down. "Really?" I ask, and place my hand under his chin, making him look up at me. "Yeah... I.... I still love you." A light blush decorates his face, reminding me how I fell for him in the first place. "I still love you, too! Screw Fanny." I lean in and give him a kiss. He wraps his arms around me. I'm so glad this nightmare is finally over. My phone rings, I pull away from the kiss and answer it. "Hey, Mugs. What is it?" I ask. "I-It's Boris! We were w-walking a-and he was shot! Someone just shot him! He's losing a lot of blood a-and I don't know what to do!" His voice is frantic and extremely shaky. "WHAT? Did you get the guy?!???" I ask. "Y-Yeah! I-I shot him right a-after!" "Okay, Bends and I are on our way!" I hang up and look at Bendy. He looks concerned. "What is it?" He asks. "Boris... he's been shot." He immediately becomes worried and tears build up in his eyes. "What?!?? We gotta go. NOW!" We both run out of the house.

Bendy's P.O.V.
{No, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be happening! Please let this be a dream! Please! He's only a kid! He doesn't deserve to die so soon. It should've been me. It should've been me! Please be okay, please be okay. I don't want to lose my little brother.} I feel something wet on my arms. I look down and slowly pull up my sleeves, not wanting Cup to see. It was blood. The cuts. They must have reopened....... shit.

I'm so sorry... 😅

Habits Of My Heart (Bendy×Cuphead) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin