Chapter 13: Hopeless

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Trigger warning! Mentions of self-harm!

Mugman's P.O.V.
I've been getting a bit closer to Bendy lately. It's really fun and I just hope he feels the same way I do. I slowly walk up to him. "H-Hey, Bendy..." I start off. "Oh, hey Mugs!" He chirps. "So I was just thinking... do you like anyone??" I ask. He ponders over the question for a moment. "We-ell.... yeah but... they don't like me back. If they do they sure don't show it." He looks down. "Who is it?? Don't worry... you can trust me." I give him a warm smile. "Please don't tell anyone about this... okay? I'm not entirely sure." He says. "Sure thing Bends." He sighs. "I may like Cuphead...." I stand there in shock. {He still likes Cuphead?? Even through everything he's been through? He still likes Cup??} Disappointed I reply. "Oh." I try to hide my disappointment. "Then again this could be a phase that'll pass soon." He mutters. "What gives you the idea that Cup doesn't like you?" I ask. "He's always with that Fanny girl. He never even makes too much eye contact with me. Heck, he hasn't even spoken to me." Bendy replies, obviously trying to hide his tears. I sigh. {Cup you asshole...} "Don't worry. He does care about you. He's just being stupid right now." I say. "Yeah right. I'm sure he has high priorities. I'm probably the lowest of them." "Don't say that Bendy! You're absolutely perfect the way you are." I beam. He looks a bit stunned. "No. I've made a shitload of mistakes, Mug. I'm far from perfect." He starts to walk away. I feel bad. I grab my keys and get into my car to go to Fanny's house. Cuphead's sure to be there.

Bendy's P.O.V.
I walk away, not wanting to be involved in that conversation. "Why can't he love me the way he loves her? Why am I never enough for anyone?" I ask myself. {He just distances himself from me. Am I really that bad. So bad he can't even be around me?} Tears gather in my eyes. I glance at my pocket knife beside me. I slowly grab it and pull it close to me. {It won't hurt. And nobody's home right now...} I sigh heavily. I place the knife over my inky skin and press it down deeply. It hurts a lot but I must deserve it. Tears fall off my cheek and onto my arm, making the cut sting. {A few more wouldn't hurt....} I make even more cuts, watching the blood pour down. At this point, I'm sobbing uncontrollably. "I don't wanna be alive. I don't wanna be alive. I just wanna die today. I just wanna die." Everything surprisingly becomes numb. I lay down on my bed, my blood still dripping. A picture catches my eye. I sit up and grab it. It's a picture of... me and... Cup? {What? When was this?} I examine the picture closely. Cup looks... happy. Extremely happy. And so do I. {What happened? What went wrong? Did I cheat? Did he cheat? Was he just using me? Was I using him? Did he no longer love me??} This is so hopeless.

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update this!! 😅😅

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