"No. What I want is for you to look at me and let me explain why I was rude."

"Yes, well, I think I shall have a drink. Then I shall listen, yes?" I knew I was being brisk, but I wanted him to know I wouldn't give him a chance to speak- unless it was on my terms. "Gaetho." I wanted to hear him say my name over and over again. I could feel his body nearly an inch away from my back. Could smell him, even. And I didn't want to move just to stand there, every nerve in my body alert to his presence. "You learned my name due to my fiancé. You have no right to use it." I retorted, and brought the whiskey I had poured to my lips, the bitter taste flooding my mouth.

"Do not sound so happy when you say fiancé. You are not in love with him, I can tell. Let me be the one you marry. Damn it. Don't you understand?" His words were softly spoken, yet anger flooded them. How could he even speak like this? We barely knew each other and all I wanted from him was his body.

"I cannot break my marriage to the prince. I-... I did not wish for it. It was arranged. And how dare you assume that we're not in love! And I do understand! Gods damn it! I understand so well! All I want to do right now is rip off your clothes and fuck you! But am I? No! Because I have more respect and self-control than that!" I was seething, for I could not comprehend his words. I had dropped my glass and it had shattered with a ring similar to that of a gunshot when he asked me to marry him, he knew I could not run away and elope with him in the middle of the night. He knew and yet he still tried.

He took my face in his hands and kissed me. And gods he was a better kisser than Icas Le Deux. We heard a throat clear behind us and I immediately pulled away from his touch. "I'm sorry, I should not have done that." He was slightly out of breath and his face was flushed. I was not much better off, out of breath, my hair a mess and blush spreading because we had been caught. I had never blushed as much as I had in his presence.

"I-um... I should clean this up." I said gesturing to the glass at our feet. "Had I known you were going to invite another male over I would've locked you in your room, Gaetho." My mother said, spitting out my name. "Should I go?" My eyes shot up to meet his and they showed alarm. "Yes. You should Mr.?" Mother asked. "Altheos, Madame Veleris." His voice sounded pained but was none the less courteous. His eyes kept saying 'I'm sorry.' "Goodbye Damarion." Lust mingled slightly in his eyes before he turned to go. My eyes watched him go, yelling at him silently for leaving me alone with a woman who hates me.

"So dearest daughter, who is this Damarion Altheos? I've never heard his name before. Is he from Ulara?" She said, spitting out her words. "No mother. I do not know where he is from." I said, pouring in self-pity that I knew she needed to hear to make her feel better about herself; making it seem as if I was going through a battle within. "Mm, is that so? You are engaged to the Crown Prince, stop inviting men over. You are being called a slut, and after what I just saw I can see why." That was a low blow but it stung. "I'm sorry Mother. I did not know; I shall not invite any more men over. Nor shall I continue to speak to them without your approval." I replied acting as humble as I could, so that I wouldn't add another bruise to the collection she'd given me over the years. 

"Clean this up." She snapped, adding a moment later, "Asgard's Prince is interested in you. " She said changing the subject. "I've told him that you are engaged, but Demetri has expressed interest in delaying this engagement; seeing he is only 22 and you 21. He would rather marry you when he is king." I knew where she was taking this. "Mama, please no. V-one of your sons died fighting them. Do not ship me off like cattle to Asgard. Please!" I was close to tears and my throat was constricting at the thought of going to that abhorrent place. "He was no son of mine! He and you were children of a whore that enraptured your father!"

So the topic of my birth mother was still a sore area.

"Does it hurt you to look at me and see the child of a couple who were in love?! Does it? I want to understand what is wrong. I want to understand why you hate when I say Vahaerion! When anyone says Vahaerion! He's dead, he can't harm you! He left me alone with a bitch of a women who could care less! Because I'm not her child and I- I only wanted a mother who loved me! You've never loved me! After the twins were born-" "Don't you dare bring Felicity and Lucille into this!" "They're the reason you hate me! Do I remind you of Vahaerion mother?! Do I?!" I was crying now and I felt weak.

And I hated it but I wanted her to know I was hurt and it was because of her. I should've expected the slap that came with me talking back, but it hurt more than usual. I didn't want to comprehend the fact that I had to deal with her. So I ran out, I ran to my safe haven. The stables. I saw Daemon and begged him to let me come with him, I felt disgusted with myself.

At least Daemon allowed me to go with him though. Gods, I was a mess. I prayed that the Stranger would guide me and allow me to think clearly.

And I didn't even know I was in love with the Stranger. I was, and still am, a pitiful, angry, mess that can't be cleaned up-no matter how many gods try.

We headed to Daemons house, which was small considering his family refused to have anything to do with him, but still loved him enough to care for him through money. Which still makes absolutely no sense to me after all the years of my mind drifting back to it.

"You can stay here for a while-" He started, his words kind. "I want to do the injection." I said, cutting him off. "No, just no. Don't make me deal with hearing you scream for me to stop. I can't deal with that; I don't want to be the one to tell your family that you're dead." I looked at him, remorse in my eyes. He could tell that I wanted this- no, he knew I needed this. I had been working on something for a couple years to prolong my life span and create a new species that would dominate those around.

And I did.

"Let's go to the shed then." He sounded defeated and I knew that I did this to him, I felt no remorse for doing it to him but I did hate myself. Silently I followed him to the shed where he unlocked the door and flicked on the light. It cast a blue glow throughout the room. A chair sat in the middle surrounded by cluttered work tables stacked with papers and chemistry sets. He led me to the chair and told me to sit. I complied, my conscience trying to convince me not to do this, but all logic pointed to my own protection, that I would be able to put an end to Haelys abuse.

His tears fell silently, we both knew he would deliver the news of my death if this went badly but we both also knew that only Fredrick would care. Oh Fredrick, my little brother, how you cared for me even through all of this- even after the pain I would inflict you.

Daemon strapped me in, pushing a needle into my arm, he tried not to look at me and I braced myself for the pain that was inevitable. Then he pressed a button and I felt the serum start to push its way through my veins. It felt cold. Cold and sharp, like a winters morning. I felt like screaming, like clawing at my throat to rid myself of the pressure there; the only thought that kept me from screaming was of how dark Damarion's eyes were, how cold his skin was, how I wanted him to be by my side and not just in my bed. And then I fell into darkness.

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