JB and Blue's Halloween Pumpkin

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Bam had barely docked the boat before Harper was jumping off to secure the ropes to the pilings. He knew she was excited to introduce the kids to a tradition of hers, but he had to shake his head at her apparent enthusiasm. JB, their son of just over three, stood on a stool next to Bam, still having to strain to see over the panel in front of him.

"Daddy, did I do it?" He asked, looking a little bit stressed over his first 'docking'.

"My boy, you did fantastic! We didn't hit the dock or any other boats. You're proving to be a better captain than even I." He complimented JB, his smile broadening as JB's face lit up in proud fashion.

"DDAAAADDDY!!!" Blue yelled from below deck, scrambling up the ladder as fast as her legs would carry her, "ARE WE THERE?" Her eyes were wide and wild, her excitement overflowing.

"Yes, baby girl, we're in town." He lifted JB off of the stool and set him on the floor next to Blue. Time had flown by so fast. It seemed as if only yesterday he'd met Harper and her cousins on these very docks and today his babies stood before him, hardly babies any more. Blue was 5 years old now and just as much of a spitfire as ever. She was almost dancing in place, unable to keep still.

Harper bounded back into the cabin of the boat.

"What are you guys waiting for?? Aren't you ready to go see pumpkins?" She aimed her zeal at the children, both of their eyes lighting up. Bam smiled warmly, but chuckled, almost mystified by the thought that such eagerness could be devoted to acquiring a vegetable. Sure, he'd seen jack-o-lanterns before, but the only pumpkins they'd ever had were purchased for food, not frivolous decoration. But Harper's doe eyes and pouty lip had won him over. As if he could ever deny her anything she wanted.

"YES! I want a BIG pumpkin, mommy!" JB jumped up and down to match his sister's movements, the two grasping hands and spinning an a circle, dizzying themselves. The fell with a thud to the wooden floor in a fit of giggles.

"Well then we'll get you the biggest one we can find!" Harper scooped him up off the floor, nuzzling his warm cheek. Bam snatched up Blue, throwing her over his shoulder as she squealed. Once on the dock, Bam situated the girl on his shoulders, letting her be the beacon as they made their way to the shore.

There was a small festival in town, a few tents dotted the road ahead, hay bales lined the sidewalks. Carnival games grabbed the attention of JB and Blue as they handed over dollar bills to throw balls at milk jugs, darts at balloons, and ping pong balls at vases. Blue roared in response to her grand prize achievement, receiving a stuffed bear larger than herself. JB wordlessly offered his help, the two carrying the stuffed monstrosity to the next game booth.

Harper held Bam's hand as she watched them, their bright faces and infectious laughter always left her in awe at the lives she and Bam had brought into this world. To see the way the two were so close almost brought her to tears, she managed to hold them back as Bam squeezed her hand.

"We got pretty lucky, didn't we?" He let go of her hand to slide his arm around her waist.

Harper turned to look at him, his sunglasses masking the emotion she knew he was hoping to hide in his eyes. She smiled and kissed his cheek, nodding.

"Yeah, real lucky."

At the end of the row of games, the plush bear was dangerously close to dragging the ground as their children's stamina was dwindling. Bam convinced Blue to let him carry the bear since they were going to need all of their strength to carry back their pumpkins, pointing at the tent ahead that had hundreds of pumpkins spilling out of it's confines.

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