Bonus Chapter - Where's Blue?

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Life in Brown Town had changed considerably over the last few years. The reality show had brought life changing events to the island. Bam could hardly remember what life was like before Harper. It had to been more boring and dull, that he knew for sure.

It was early morning, he'd woken a few minutes before, stretching and rousing his body. He turned his head and smiled at the long mess of curls bathed over the pillow next to him. Her back to him, he could see her shoulder rise and fall with her breath. He rolled onto his side, pulling her into him. She moaned in her sleep as she was moved from the warm spot in the mattress.

He brushed her hair away from her ear, nuzzling her lobe delicately.

"Good morning, beautiful..." he gently roused her, kissing her earlobe trailing to her jaw.

"Hmm gd morfnigng." She managed out still half asleep.

"Somebody's happy to see you." He grumbled against her neck. He pressed himself into her backside.

"Somebody's always happy to see me..." She yawned, not opening her eyes..."Somebody wasn't up when their son had a nightmare...again."

"Harp, you should have woken me up, I'd have taken JB, you took the last shift." Bam said gripping her arm lightly.

"Well it was a little difficult to disturb the lumberjack in his sleep. You were sawing enough logs for the both of us." She teased. She adjusted her hips as if she was getting comfortable, but made sure to rub against his morning erection as well.

"Mmmm, Mrs. Brown if I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to seduce me.." Bam said, letting his arm slip around her, slowly letting his fingers encompass her breast. He could feel her nipple through the thin fabric of her shirt, moaning into her neck.

" still get me so hot..." He softly licked a trail along her neck, pulling her to him even tighter.

"Josh..." she breathed as she responded to his hands running along her body.

Grabbing the elastic of her pajama pants, he worked them down and off of her legs, balling them up at the foot of the bed. He drug his finger tips from her toes to her thighs, eliciting a series of shuddering gasps as his touch exhilarated her. He kissed her bare shoulder, pulling the strap of her tank downwards.

"Harper..." He whispered her name as he guided himself into her. Her long, wanting moan encouraged him to push himself even deeper, feeling her sex squeeze against him. He tangled on hand in her hair, the other gripped her hip tightly as he began moving in her. His desperate moves and stunted breath increased her desire

"Harper...getting so wet for me..." He growled, nuzzling her neck. He gripped his fingers into her hip firmly, flushing his body against hers. He was just starting to feel his urges take over when a loud crash was heard from right outside their bedroom door, followed by a loud giggle and another crash.

Harper groaned, her hand over her face. She started to move out of the bed, Bam holding her in place.

"Harper, I'm so close...please, baby, please.." He begged her to let him finish. He kept moving in her, trying to help her along with her decision.

"I was...." she sighed. She gasped as Bam pushed himself deep again..."hurry, Josh...." She moaned, not wanting to leave him unsatisfied. He quickened his pace at her agreement, lightly biting her shoulder as he felt himself about to let go. He grunted as his release filled her, her gaspy breaths satisfying him.

After a few moments, a loud banging noise prompted Harper to leave her warm spot on the bed. She quickly got dressed, smirking at Bam, who lay there trying to collect himself.

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