Chapter 5

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The rest of the first week went by quickly. The James's learning a great deal from the Browns as they absorbed a huge amount of knowledge on how to live sustainably and how to adapt to Alaska's unusual weather patterns.

The Browns were quick to admit they appreciated the extra help; 5 extra sets of hands were like a godsend when there was so much manually tasking labor. Each one of the 5 James's had more than pulled their own weight and then some on developing a little more of Brown town. The production crew had made sure each cousin had been paired up with a Brown or two for different projects, trying to see whose chemistry would work the best for the show. They didn't necessarily need to get along, in fact, a little drama never hurt the ratings. A couple pairing just didn't 'work' really, some of the personalities one on one just didn't match.

For example, Koby was tall and skinny, average kind of body. When paired with Gabe, it just didn't really provide much entertainment with Gabe doing all of the grunt work and Koby trying to help, but getting more in the way. Matt pretty much spent the entire time paired with Harper flirting with her. As flattering as it was, it was all too easy for the camera to pick up the fact that Harper was getting frustrated. She liked to goof around, probably more than most of the cousins, but they were trying to build Cupcake a new Dog House and she was pretty sure she was going to scream the next time Matt make a joke about 'wood'. Braden and Noah ended up having a 2 hours gentlemen's argument over one of Noah's theories. Neither raised their voice or became combative, but neither gave an inch.

But every evening was spent as a large group gathered around the fire pit each person or group giving an account of their day. It was so relaxing to everyone, having a chance to unwind and cut up with their new friends. It really helped them to bond as well, as a group anyway.

Each day the groups had piled out of their respective sleeping quarters to see who they were matched up with for the day. Joe had taken the lead on the pairings and would post a list on a tree near the fire pit each morning. The pairings that had worked out the best tended to be repeated more often, but there was still somewhat of a rotation.

Harper loved hanging out with Ami, Birdie and Rain, already having taught them a few basic stitches during the evenings. But when she was paired with them and they stayed close to the house or went foraging, Harper felt herself longing to follow the boys off into the woods or on the boat or where ever it was they were going off too. She tried to squash her jealousy, but it mostly rested in the pit of her stomach making her also feel guilty for not fully enjoying her time with the women.

At the beginning of the second week, Bam was sharpening and cleaning his axe blade as he sat on a stump just outside of his trapper shack. He was glad he hadn't been matched up with anybody. He had a lot of things he needed to get done around the shack and having anyone around just slowed him down; mostly because he was so picky, he had to redo everything anyone else did who was trying to help. He wanted things done right and he'd just as soon do them himself.

He glanced up at the big house when his mother, sisters, and Harper came out onto the porch, all wearing tall mud boots and carrying a bucket or a bag. Harper had made her own bag while the women had been crocheting and knitting the night before. The colors on it were beautiful and even Bam had to admire it a little.

"Going berry picking!" Ami called to her son, she blew him a kiss. Bam smiled and waved them off, wondering to himself how in the world Harper got those tight jeans on every morning. Watching her walk away was becoming a new favorite pastime. Bam frowned as the sight of the women grew fainter in the woods. Why was he looking at her? They clearly had some personality clash issues. On their day together last week it'd been a nightmare. Trying to thatch his roof properly, he'd been a little short with her and set off her temper a little. A hammer was thrown and bucket of nails had rained down from the top of the trapper shack. It hadn't been pretty. The camera guys seemed to love it, though.

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