Chapter 12

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Ami looked out of her kitchen window as she cleaned the last few dishes. She saw Harper huddled up on the bench, looking at Bam. It wasn't just any look though. Ami looked at Bam and saw him returning the look and was almost sure she read his mouth say 'more'. She was dazed for a moment, snapping out of her trance as Billy walked up behind her. He washed the bear blood off his hands, placing them on her shoulders.

"What are you looking at, my love." He said, kissing the side of her head. She nodded towards the fire where Bam and Harper sat no longer looking at each other, but both trying not to grin, "Oohhh, is there something going on there?" Billy continued.

"I don't know, but I'd like to find out. " Ami said, trying to contain her excitement. She'd been waiting so long for the family to expand more. Her baby, Rain, was pushing 15 soon. The thought of her son's settling down was something she'd always wanted for them. Though at the beginning of this, Bam was probably close to the last she would have figured for Harper. "It's so odd though, Matt's been the one that seems to have been trying to get her attention. Taking her on walks and hunting together."

"Well, don't get too pushy, dear. That Harper is jumpy, Bam said she'd been through some pretty harsh stuff." Billy said, wrapping his arms around Ami from behind.

"Bam said that? How would he know..unless she's told him...and if she's told him, maybe there is something!" Amy said, squeezing Billy's hand.

"Might be, just might be..." Billy said, watching as Harper stole a glance at Bam, almost blushing when she caught him looking at her already.


It wasn't long before others joined Bam and Harper around the fire. Gabe gleefully brought his guitar, sitting next to Harper.

"I've been practicing with Alex and Jack, I think I've got that song down. Now you have to sing with me." he grinned, holding her to her promise.

"I did say that, didn't I?" Harper said remembering back, she almost laughed to herself. She would have told him anything he wanted to hear to get out of there that night. She got lost in thought as she remembered being on the ground surrounded by blueberry bushes and the intense look on Bam's face as he'd hovered over her that night. Gabe snapped her out of her trance, nudging her with the neck of his guitar.

"You ready?" Gabe asked, looking excited to play the new song. She looked at Alex and Jack, who were ready with their guitar and the borrowed violin from Bam. She wished that they'd taught Bam the part, she'd love to see him play.

"Oh, I guess so..." Harper said trying to act begrudgingly, but finding it difficult with Gabe's sweet enthusiasm. She took a drink from her tea and cleared her throat.

By the end of the song, all of the family and camera's were present, catching all of the instruments being played, the singing, the reactions from everyone. Some even had tears in their eyes by the end of the song, exuberantly clapping at the end. Gabe wrapped his arm around Harper's shoulders at the end, squeezing her to his side.

"That was awesome!" He whispered to her. She smiled, hugging him back, bashfully accepting the compliments from everyone.

Bam had to fight the urge to stand up and proclaim his love for her right then and there. He asked her once more before the crowd gathered. She didn't say no, but she still seemed uneasy about it. She still seemed uneasy about herself.

"What are you afraid of." Bam had asked

She'd creased her forehead, looking as if her head was battling her heart.

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