Chapter 15 - So What Now?

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Harper was fairly sure Bam was never going to let her go. She was so overcome with emotion, she couldn't help the sobs that wracked her body. She hid her face from the world in the warmth of his shoulder. His arms were around her, one had tangled tightly in her hair as if he couldn't get enough of it's feel between his fingers. She heard his shaky breath leave his mouth as his lips rested on the side of her head.

"Harper..." he murmured again. It was all he could fathom to say. It'd been a few weeks, he'd started to give up hope that she would ever be back. He hadn't spent one night not feeling lonely and desolate for her company. He wasn't sure why she was even here or if she would stay, but right in this moment, she was here in his arms.

Reluctantly, Bam pulled back a little, his eyes searching for hers.

"I love you too." He finally answered. Harper almost had to giggle, it'd felt like hours since she's said that to him. But she could see in his eyes why he waited so long to speak. They were glassy as if he could barely keep ahold of himself.

He took her hand and led her back to the Integrity. Her cousins watched on from the dock.

"That's ok, we'll just hang out here, don't worry about us!" Koby joked, waving as they watched Harper follow Bam down the dock.


All the rest of the Brown's had come to the main deck, watching as Bam and Harper embraced. Even Matt smiled as he watched his brother cling tightly to the woman that had affected him so. They watched as Bam grabbed her hand and led her towards them, walking with great purpose.

Billy stifled his grin, running his hand over his mustache.

"You know what guys, let's give them a minute." he said ushering everyone back off of the boat.

"But Harper's back, I want to say hi and give her a hug!" Bird exclaimed as she watched her brother walk towards them, his eyes barely leaving Harper.

"Give them some space and you guys can say your hellos later." Billy said, patting his leg for Mr. Cupcake to follow them, Rain buckling his leash to him.

"Bam, we'll be in town when you are ready to go." Billy said, lightly laying a hand in Bam's shoulder as they passed.

"Thanks Da, " Bam uttered, still feeling it hard to speak. Harper smiled at everyone as they passed them. Ami was able to sneak in a quick hug, before Bam recaptured Harper's hand and pulled her on board. He closed the door behind her and spun her around to him. His lips hungrily capturing hers, his hands holding her face. She held fast to the counter behind her, as she felt her legs threaten to give way. She hadn't realized how much she had missed his lips. The taste of them, the softness, the demanding nature of them.

"I need you..." He whispered. She could feel the hushed words glide across her mouth. This thumb stroked her cheek as his eyes looked upon her again. He couldn't get enough of the sight of her.

She saw his eyes gaze upwards to the ceiling and saw a scowl set in. She frowned, looking back to whatever it was he was seeing. She felt her face drop a little as she realized what she was looking at. It was a camera, mounted near the crease of the wall and ceiling.

"Ohhh," She breathed, then reality hit her even harder, "OHHH" She looked back at Bam, who was still scowling at the camera. They'd been caught. Bam had never outed them. She suddenly felt extremely foolish having not given Bam a chance to explain before she had left.

Bam suddenly left her side, grabbing the camera from the wall and ripping it out. He left a big hole in the sideboard, but didn't seem to care. He yanked the remaining wires from the wall, using his hunting knife to cut what wouldn't break. Harper's eyes widened as she watched Bam's anger boiling over. Once the device was finally free, he stomped over to the door and walked out onto the deck. She could see him through the open door, heave the camera as hard as he could far into the bay.

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