I sat up.  "What the hell Taron!" I yelled.

He grimaced before raising his hands again. This time I was prepared and I darted out of yhe road before flinging my arms at him.

Nothing happened. Fustrated, I ducked as Taron aimed his hands at me again. I glanced at mother to see her watch, amused.
"Find whatever makes you feel the most, and use it" Taron yelled.

"I'll give you something that feels the most" I muttered.

Taron reached out again and instead of being pushed back. I was thrown forward and then struck down. "Enough!" I yelled, getting to my feet.

I could feel the cuts on my face and I was completely mad. Madder than I was when I saw Marcus for the first time.


I pushed all my pain, longing and sadness into a ball in my mind and forced it into my hand. I lobbed the ball at Taron who crouched down on the ground as if a shield was protecting him.

I darted forward, nothing but revenge on my mind as I imagined myself stepping through the air and jumping over him.

I ran towards him and jumped up, my feet finding solid ground in the air and I sprinted towards Taron, who used his power to throw me back.
I threw my arms in front of me, screaming.

Suddenly, the adrenaline died and I fell forward, to the ground and Taron knelt beside me. "I told you, you are stronger than you think" he said holding out his hand.

I scowled at him and he pulled me up. "What did you think about?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Marcus" I replied, glancing at my brother.

"What do you think about?" I asked as Taron glanced over at the Queen's gaurd.

"Oh" I replied.

"It's okay to have secrets Taron, I've got secrets too, but being gay isn't as bad as you think it is" I said, touching my brother's shoulder.

"It is here" he replied, shrugging off my hand and walking away.

I glanced at my mother as she started to clap. "You are truly powerful enough to be Queen" she said, walking over to me as if she was floating.

"Queen? I don't want to be Queen" I said, confused.

"Don't be silly, of course you do" my mother fake laughed.

"No I don't,  I just wanted to meet you, to know who my parents were" I replied.

My mother's eyes flashed. "Well you have met me and now you must be Queen" she said, her fake smile pulling tight.

"I don't want to be Queen!" I snapped.

Marcus's POV

"You have failed us" the Consul said as I kneeled before them.

My father watched me with curious eyes. "I couldn't possibly go through with that plan, she's a person not a pawn" I replied, looking up.

The Consul hissed. "Perhaps we were stupid to put him in that position, he is too close to her" my father said, tapping his chin.

"Father please, you must see reason, she's not who you say she is" I spoke loudly, standing up.

"Kneel!" The Consul spat.

I did not. "I will no longer abide by your authority, I will not hurt an innocent girl and I will not stop loving her!" I exclaimed. 

"I knew it was a risk using you, you only confirmed it for me" my father said.

I glared at him. "Take him away, and make sure he regrets double crossing his own kind!" My father spat to the guards behind me.

They grabbed my arms and I tried to pull out of their reach, I couldn't budge. "You're making a mistake!" I called out as they began to drag me backwards.

"Perhaps" the Consul replied.


Hmm I wonder if Marcus is okay!
I hope he is!

What did you think about the scene with Taron and Diana?
The truth is finally out about Taron now..

Diana's weakness and strength is Marcus, the one she loves and hates.
But I wonder if Marcus will make it out of this... alive...

The Queen is pretty set on Diana taking her place!

Comment what you thought!
Don't forget to vote!

#20 in Vampire! 💙❤💙❤💖

T xoxoxoxoxoxo

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