I gulped. ''Just don't tell her it was Antonio who shot him." I didn't know how to explain that to Samantha.

I put the phone on speaker.

Firstly, there are some facts we have to obviously know. Antonio was the one who shot Ian, and if the news lady hadn't said Antonio was drunk, I would have guessed it was with all the intentions. Or maybe it really was on purpose, making it worse for number two:

Samantha hasn't told Ian about Antonio stalking her, and she will think it was all her fault for not telling Ian about Antonio (Even thought I told her specifically to tell Ian all about the stalking).

And thirdly, Samantha will be desperate. Ian survived, but is still on a critical state, and by now, who knows? That news was in the early morning, so he could be just as stable as dead.

My heart froze. No, he couldn't be.

Of all the people in that party, Ian was shot. It could have been anyone else, but it had been him. Samantha would be out of her mind in minutes.


Samantha's pov

I stepped into the house to be greeted by my brother sitting on the sofa with his back to me. He held a knife, twirling it around. He looks like a creeper.

Edward said in a serious voice. ''So you must be Sami's boyfriend, am I right?'' He placed the knife roughly on the table.

I rose my eyebrows. I deepened my voice. ''Oh yes. I'm here to screw her, where is she?''

I burst out laughing when he turned around with a shocked face while screaming. ''What the f*ck man! She's my little sist- OH! It's you Sami...''

I crunched on the floor holding my stomach from laughter.

''So you think that was funny, huh? Well, let's see if it's funny when I tell mom and dad about your secret boyfriend.'' Edward said in a serious voice.

I stopped laughing and stood up. ''No! No no no no. NO! You wouldn't!''

Edward burst laughing. ''You should have seen your face!''

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. ''Dude, stop laughing. It's not that funny!''

''Oh yes it is!''

I rolled my eyes again and waited for my idiot of a brother to stop laughing. ''You done now?''

My bro nodded with a big smile.

''Well good, because you are not going to be Mr. Creeper when Ian comes, am I understood?''

Edward started to protest. ''Come on Sami! I want to scare the shit out of him!''

''I said, I am understood?'' I yelled. I felt like a sergeant.

Edward grumbled . ''Ok, understood. But I wanted to show him my evil face, so we can come to an understanding.''

I rolled my eyes again.

''Girl, stop rolling your eyes, or they'll stay that way.'' Edward said taking the knife from the table.

I answered him with a roll of my eyes. HA!

I stepped into my room with my bag and laid on my bed. My mind drifted to Ian. Why hasn't he called me? Why hasn't he arrived? Did he bail? He would have called me if he bailed.

I searched for my phone and was about to dail Ian's phone number when Keithlin's name appeared on my phone and the chorus of 'What the hell' by Averil Lavinge started playing. I chuckled. Keithlin loves that song.

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