"My family's a long story. Let's not go there yet."

"Okay." he took another bite of his apple.

"What about your parents? What are they like?" I said hoping he had a better story than mine.

"There's just me and Dad. Mum died when I was three."

"I'm sorry." I bit on my lip thinking this wasn't going so great.

"No biggy. I don't remember her." He shrugged.

"What did she die of?"

"Car accident. On her way home from work."

"Do you see much of your Dad?" I asked.

Keean shook his head. "Not at the moment. He works in the mines. Sometimes flies in. Being where I am makes it a bit hard."

By Friday some of the questions were getting pretty lame.

"Where were you born?"


"What about you?"


"How many schools have you been to?"

"Three...four if I count the detention centre. Who's your favourite movie star?"

"Lee Majors."

"Ah Charlie he's an old man."

"But he's hot." I grinned.

Keean pulled me down on the grass and tickled me. "Not as hot as me."

"Hotter," I squealed as I bucked around trying to push his hands away.

"Say I'm hotter. If you don't I'll keep tickling you." I screamed and tried to scramble away. He pulled me back down. "Say it."

I tried to stop laughing. "Okay, okay." I took a couple of breaths. He waited with a grin on his face. "Lee Major's hotter."

Keean tickled me again. "You bitch." He said as I laughed and squirmed some more.

"Okay, okay, Keean Crone is the hottest guy alive."

He leaned against me, snuggled his head into my neck and blew in my ear. I squirmed again. He chuckled.

Once I'd composed myself I asked my next question.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" Keean lifted himself up on one elbow and looked down at me with a smirk.

"None. You're my first."

"I don't believe you."

"True, cross my heart."

"How could you have not had a girlfriend before?"

He shrugged. "How could you have not had a boyfriend before?"

I felt embarrassed but decided to answer truthfully. "The boys have always said I'm fat." I turned my head so I wasn't looking directly at him.

"How could they say that," he whispered shocked. When I looked back at him he was looking at my body. I wanted to change the subject so asked another question.

"How many girls have you had sex with?" Keean looked at my face. He must have seen uncertainty in my eyes so he stroked my cheek, bent his head and kissed me.

"You're not fat, Charlie. Don't ever believe that."

I smiled to show I was okay. "I'm not fat now. I was a couple of years ago. The boys used to tease me and it killed my confidence. That's why I've never had a boyfriend."

"Suits me." He smiled. "Now you're all mine." He leaned forward and kissed me tenderly then looked back at me. We didn't say anything for a moment just looked into each other's eyes.

"You didn't answer my last question." I whispered.

Keean frowned. "You asked me a question. What was it?"

"If you haven't had a girlfriend then how many girls have you slept with?"

"Mm...where are we going with this, Charlie?"

I touched his face with my finger, ran it along his jaw. "You know how many I've slept with. I think it's fair I know how many you've slept with."

"It's not really the same though is it?" He laughed.

"You're not going to tell me are you?"

Keean shook his head.

I huffed. He chuckled so I added. "Well I know of one."

"Are you going to keep pushing this?" He frowned and tilted his head.


Keean sighed. "You know of one so you can assume there has been at least one more because I remember I said to you it had been a while. So we'll leave it at two."

I tapped him on the cheek and grinned. "You're lying to me and you said no lying, remember."

He laughed and growled into my neck. "Yeah. I am."

"I know."

Keean lifted his head and looked back at me. "So why do you want to know?"

I grinned again and shrugged. "I'm just curious because you seem so... capable."

His mouth dropped open. He shook his head laughing. "I'm capable. What's that supposed to mean?"

I had to turn my head away because I wasn't sure what I was trying to say. "You're embarrassing me, Keean."

He laughed some more and rolled on top of me. "So say what you really mean, Charlie Johnson?" He pinned my arms to the ground and blew a raspberry on my neck. I squirmed and tried to push my head to touch my shoulder so he couldn't do it again.

"Repeat after me," he said. "Keean Crone."

"Keean Crone."

"You are."

"You are."

"A sex God."

I went into a fit of laughter.

Keean grinned down at me. "Say it Charlie or the next time we're somewhere private you're gone."

I giggled. "Oo...I can't wait."

"You better be careful what you wish for." Keean laughed and continued to stare down at me grinning, jerked his head in encouragement then repeated. "Keean Crone you are a sex God."

I tried to make a straight face. "Okay. Keean Crone you are a sex God."

"See." He rolled off me. "It's not so hard to say what you really mean."

I laughed and hit him in the chest. "You really are an arse."

The bell rang. We had double English. "I need to go to the loo," I said as I picked up my bag.

Keean wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me towards him so I could feel the hardness of his body. "So do I."

I went red in the face. He thought it was funny so squeezed me tight on the backside then let me go.

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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