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Hey, sorry I haven't posted for like... 3 months. I've been caught up with school work and didnt have time, I know you know that it's just an excuse, but it's the truth. Any ways enjoy :)


"You and Lucy aren't related," Levy and Gajeel said in unison. Natsu stared at them confused, there was proof that him and Lucy were siblings, but then Gajeel and Levy stated that they're not. Natsu doesn't know what to believe, but somewhere inside of him, there was hope.

"I-I don't understand," Natsu managed to say.

"Don't worry, we will explain when Lucy and Gray get back from their mission," Levy smiled.

~With Gray and Lucy~

"We're still friends right?" Lucy let out her breathe that she held in and smiled.

"Of cause," she said. They both push the doors of Fairy Tail open and were glad to be back, well Lucy was. Lucy walked in and greeted people along the way, while Gray silently followed behind. They reached the bar and Lucy spoke to Mira about the mission and gifts she brought back.

"Oh Gray, what happened to your hand?" Mira noticed pointing to the blood dripping fist that was frozen in ice. Gray looked at Mira shocked, but the smiled saying it was from the mission.

"Lu-chan, you're back!" At the entrance you'd see a short girl with blue hair running with arms open, her bag just hanging on to her left shoulder. Lucy was soon squashed in Levy's tight embrace. She gave Levy a gentle pat on the back as she returned the hug. After a while they finely let go of each other and took in a great deal of oxygen. Levy was the first to speak.

"Listen up everyone! I have some news." Levy yelled catching the attention of the whole guild. Everybody looked at Levy, including Lucy, Gray and Master Makarov. Natsu wasn't fare behind Gajeel who had just walked into the guild hall.

"Natsu and our precious Lucy, are not related by blood!" The guild was filled with a pregnant silence. After a while someone spoke.

"Hey! Does this mean that I'm not precious?!" Natsu suddenly yelled. "I thought I knew you guys better." Everybody was erupted with laughter. Some were rolling on the floor and some we're hugging. Lucy and Gray stood shocked with many thoughts running through their minds.

"Silence!" Ordered the master who raised his hand to signal quietness from his children. Once everybody had quieten down, Makarov turned towards Levy.

"And we're is the proof my child?" He asked. Levy unzipped her bag and pull out documents, she then held them to master.

"These state the true fact, as you can see," Levy began explaining. "The signature on both are different. Lucy's real birth certificate was found at her old mansion, and the fake were the ones the council had. " Lucy didn't know what to say, this had been so much to take in. How can things get so messed up, are they or aren't they siblings?

"I also did more research and found documents stating that there are no record saying that Jude Heartfilia had more than one child. There for Natsu's certificate is fake." Levy finished her explanation and waited for someone to break the silence. After awhile someone did speak, that person was Gray Fullbuster.

"Bullshit!" Gray walked up and stood next to Lucy. "How can you rely on data that may not be one hundred percent accurate?!" Gray exclaimed. "The council should have already looked into this matter, don't you think?" Levy stood there not knowing what to say.

"He's right!" Cana yelled from the back. "The council may be cruel at times, but they usually are right aren't they?" Everybody began whispering and chatting amongst themselves about the topic.

"WOULD EVERYONE SHUT UP!!!" All faces turned to Gajeel who had his arms crossed and was leaning on the wall. "You weren't there when Levy spent hours at the library reading her brains out, you weren't there when she kept going after missing hours of sleep, you weren't there when she tried everything in her power to put this guild back in order and ensure her friend's happiness. I was, so you have no right to question her work that she put so much effort into." Gajeel said in a bored tone, but everybody knew him better.

"That's quite enough," master Makarov finely spoke. "That's enough for today, get some rest and I'll talk to Sir Aura about this matter. Dismiss, and thank you Levy for your great efforts." Everybody went back to what they were doing, Lucy smiled to herself knowing how much Levy cares for her. Gray stood next to her doing nothing but staring at the ground. Natsu was fighting Gajeel in high spirits, feeling better than before.


I hoped you enjoyed it, but what will happen next?
Can't wait till next time ;)


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