Dinner Date

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Tea? She asked, a playful glint in her eyes. "Tea... seriously?" He chuckled softly, his amusement evident. "Well, at least I tried my best to make you feel at home," she replied, half-jokingly shuffling through her editor's mess – that pesky editor always left a trail of disorder. "But that's the least of my concerns; my main issue is you and that towel of yours." A blush crept onto her already pink cheeks, and she quickly retreated to her room. With cautious movements, she closed the door quietly, hoping to defuse the situation. 

Kedan's soft chuckle reached her ears, magnifying her embarrassment; she felt more naive than she cared to admit. A perfect bride, he mused. Moments later, Ella emerged, donning a striking red dress that commanded Kedan's attention. He struggled to understand his own reaction – how could someone captivate him so thoroughly? His gaze remained locked on her, as if magnetized by an invisible force. Ella couldn't help but chuckle, caught in the intensity of his stare; she sensed his discomfort and decided to take the lead.

 Over the past few weeks, they had gone on several dates, but this was the first time they had spent time alone in such close proximity. Rising from his seat, Kedan composed himself and offered the perfect yet clichéd line to dissolve the tension. "I'll wait outside," he suggested, his teasing intentions clear. However, true to his character, he had to level the playing field. "I suppose your dress is a bit snug, isn't it?" he began, but his jest was cut short as Ella beat him to the punch. Her witty retort left him grinning, acknowledging that she wasn't one to back down. 

Darkness settled as they returned. 

Ella noticed that all the lights on her block had dimmed, suggesting she'd been out for longer than anticipated. But a subtle awareness lingered; it seemed like she hadn't spent as much time with him as she had hoped. As she made her way towards the exit, a gentle yet firm grip tugged her back. Facing him, she raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Aren't you afraid of the dark?" Kedan inquired with a playful grin. Ella brushed off his concern with a casual wave. "Come on, Kedan, my door is right there. Besides, the car provides plenty of light." Kedan decided to respond in kind. 

He switched off the car's engine, mirroring her question with a sly smile. "Aren't you scared of the dark?" A genuine laugh escaped Ella's lips, and she sealed their playful exchange with a kiss. "Is that all I get for my efforts?" Kedan asked with a mock pout. Ella pretended to ponder, her face a mask of contemplation. Finally, she broke into a chuckle. "Yeah," she replied, her tone light. Kedan knew he couldn't linger; time was slipping away, and he needed to raise the stakes. He locked eyes with her, summoning his most intense gaze. "I've truly enjoyed this evening, Elle..." he paused, his words hanging in the air.

 Her name, 'Elle,' sent a shiver down her spine. It had been so long since she heard that name. She hadn't spoken directly to her father in years, so how did Kedan know this personal detail? Had he been secretly watching her during her teenage years? Or was there a different explanation? The feeling that he had coined that name himself, rather than adopting it from her estranged father, only deepened the mystery. Ella barely managed to respond, "Me too." Her heart raced, her mind whirring with questions.

 Kedan continued, his words vulnerable and genuine. "Ella, I understand this might seem hasty, but my feelings can't be contained. I've been chasing your essence in every woman I've met, yet none of them compare. You're the girl with eyes as captivating as the endless ocean, the girl who stole my heart at the club, Your flaws are like rare diamonds, each one uniquely exquisite. Ella, you're genuinely one of a kind." Ella met his gaze, a mix of desire and disbelief in her eyes. She yearned to gauge his sincerity, and it was unmistakably genuine. His words carried weight, setting her heart pounding even faster.

 He pressed on, a blend of urgency and confession. "Ella, I understand it's quick, but I've held onto this wish for so long. I feel a connection that's rare to find. True love is a rarity, just like you. Would you honor me by joining your name with mine? Would you allow me to be the one to rewrite our stories together?" In that moment, Ella realized that Kedan was offering more than just his heart – he was offering his future. She took a deep breath, feeling her heart race with anticipation. "Kedan," she began, her voice soft. "I don't know what to say. This is all so sudden."  

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