"Your father knocked some sense it me and told me to go back to my realm, I did and have been Queen ever since, I never stopped loving your father and I never forgot hers, although he hadn't bothered to meet her" she said, turning her face up to the moon.

"So what is Diana?" I asked, crouching down in front of her.

"Full faerie but she's so drawn to you because of how powerful her father was, she's not supposed to be a Queen of Faeries, she's supposed to be Queen of the Vampires, Taron was supposed to take my place but he gave up his title all for a man.." The Queen said, shaking her head.

I didn't reply to that.

"I named her Diana because the night she was born on, it was a full moon and I remember looking at it and it came to me, almost like the goddess herself wished it so" she said.

"Why don't you tell her this?" I asked, a little confused.

"She wouldn't understand, if I told her about her father, she'd demand to meet him, and that can't happen, no one can know" The Queen said, glancing at me.

"I'm trusting you with this Marcus, Diana seems to trust you and if my daughter can trust you, I feel as though I can too, don't let me down" she said standing up.

I stood up as well and bowed. "Goodnight" she said before walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight" I replied when she disappeared.

After that conversation, I didn't want to go for a walk. I just turned on my heel and walked back into the castle slowly.
Slipping into my room, Diana was sitting up, running a hand through her hair.

"Did I fall asleep?" She asked, her cheeks flushed.

I smiled slightly. "Yes, but it's okay, I don't mind being your personal pillow" I teased.

She blushed brighter. "I didn't drool on you did I?" She asked, embarrassed.

I walked over to her, throwing my jacket on the nearest chair. I sat on the dge of the bed as she sat up straighter. "No, you didn't drool on me" I replied, faintly as she reached for my hand.

Our fingers entwined and I thought over what the Queen said. On a way, she was right. I was not the person or creature for Diana, but I was selfish and wouldn't be afraid to admit it out loud.

She leaned in closer and rested her head on my shoulder. "I missed you Marcus" she said, her voice breaking.

It tore at my heart, tugging at the strings. Don't cry.
"I missed you more" I replied truthfully.

I looked down at her, resting on my shoulder and kissed her forehead softly. "I feel so selfish when I'm with you, but I can't help it" I said, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear.

She opened her eyes and looked at me with almost childlike wonder. "What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"I'm not meant for you, but I can't help but want you all to myself" I replied, sighing.

"Marcus? What are you talking about?" She asked, worried now.

"I love you Diana, always have, since we.were kids and knew what love was, I loved you then and I love you now but I can't be selfish, your destiny is greater than me.." I trailed off.

"Okay, you're really confusing me" she said looking very confused.

She pulled away from my shoulder to look at me properly.
I grasped her head lightly between my palms, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs before leaning in and kissing her, deeply.

She gave a noise of surprise but didn't push me off. I kissed her like this was the last time I'd see her again, because it was.

I had to be unselfish and let her do her destiny, to not be the distraction I was.

And as much as I craved her, loved her and wanted her. I wanted her to have a life, a life without me.

A cursed vampire forever to walk the earth in bitter loneliness.
That was my destiny.

"I love you" I whispered as I pulled away.


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What is Marcus doing!
Don't leave her!
This is when all the shit starts to go down!
She needs you!

Come back here this instant!


Oh no, guys we need to make him come back. We need to tell him we love him and want him to stay.
"Marcus, I love you! Please stay!" The Author called out in hurried desperation.

He's walking away guys!

What did you think of this chapter?
A bit of a sad ending but maybe we can get him back...

Love T xoxox

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The Reader That's Always First!

Will choose randomly, so stay active on this book :)

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