"It's okay, I don't mind." I eyed him up and down, smirking, "You look cute in my clothes anyway." Ashton's face turned bright red as he smacked my chest, exclaiming,

"Shut up, you liar!" I shook my head fondly, and Ashton followed me to the drawers where I kept my clothes in.

We ended up taking another hour to get ready to go to work. Ashton noticed I had a guitar and he asked me to play a song for him, which eventually turned into a tickle fight, but neither of us knew who even started that.

"There's no point in showing up to work anymore, don't you think?" I waggled my eyebrows and smirked as Ashton looked nervous. I knew Calum would be okay with me taking a break for today, since I worked extra hours yesterday.

"But Luke, I've never missed work and I'll get in trouble! What if I get fired-" I put a finger to his lips, hushing him,

"You'll be fine, you've never missed work, right? It's okay to make one mistake, they can't fire you just because of today." I leaned over so we were nose to nose, and I bit my lip as Ashton shivered.

"It'll be fun."

I had no idea where my flirtatious mood came from, but it was effecting Ashton so much that it looked like his cheeks were a permanent shade of red.

"U-um, okay."

"Where are we going?" Ashton looked around, confused.

We had left the apartment to go on a walk, and I had a special place in mind. Somewhere I used to go too when I needed to clear my head, a place to breathe.

"We're almost there, c'mon!" I took ahold of his hand and began to run, and Ashton began stumbling and giggling,

"But we're in the middle of no where!" To Ashton, that's what it looked like; I was dragging him through the old and abandoned part of town, and it was practically deserted.

I skidded to a halt in front of a tall building, which doesn't serve a purpose anymore. By now it was in the middle of the afternoon, but Ashton still looked a bit anxious by the run down, almost creepy building.

I gently squeezed Ashton's hand, "Follow me." He let out a breath, staying close to my side as we walked into the dark lobby of the old office building.

I almost went to check if the elevator still worked, but I remembered that Ashton hated elevators.

Ashton quietly followed me as we trudged up flight after flight of stairs, until we both had to stop for a rest.

"Why are we here, anyway?" Ashton wheezed, trying to gain his breath.

"You'll see."

"You can see the whole city from here!" Ashton's face lit up as we finally made it to the roof, and I beamed.

"I always come up here if I need to think." Ashton stood a bit too close to the edge, still admiring the view. I came up from behind him before he could stumble off the edge and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him back a bit.

"Whoa, there. I don't want you to fall." Ashton blushed and shyly nodded. A depressing thought swirled around in my head, making me hold Ashton tighter.

What if he wanted to jump?

I had momentarily forgotten about the bridge incident and the scars. How could I forget?

I sighed and sat down, a good distance away from the edge. Ashton plopped down next to me, and I opened my arms,

"C'mere." Ashton happily scooted into my arms, making me chuckle. I wrapped my arms around his middle and murmured into his fluffy hair,

"Hey, um-can I ask you something? And can you tell me the truth?" Ashton tensed a little bit, so I pressed a soft kiss to the top of Ashton's head, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

Ashton slowly nodded for me to continue.

"Have you-have you thought about, y'know...killing yourself again?" He let out a small sigh, playing with the sleeves of his shirt.

"Erm, yeah. Multiple times." I bit my lip, bringing him closer to me. I was afraid he was going to say that.

"Do you want to-to kill yourself right now? Like at this moment?" I held my breath as Ashton stayed quiet for a few seconds.

"Not when I'm with you. You help me forget everything bad, and you-you're one of the only people that makes me happy, I guess. So, no. I don't want to kill myself right now." My heart swelled at Ashton's confession and I could tell that he was astonished that he admitted that all to me.

"I'm so glad that I make you happy because I really, really, really like you." Ashton giggled softly and he turned his head a bit, and I could see how obviously he was blushing.

"I really, really, really like you too, Lukey." I smiled, feeling warm and giddy on the inside.

"Good, because that would've been awkward." I gently tilted his chin, "And I wouldn't have been able to do this."

I leaned forward, slow enough so that Ashton could stop me, but he didn't. I softly pressed my lips against his, and I felt like my heart was about to burst and tingles shot up my spine. Ashton's lips were so pretty and soft.

At first, Ashton squeaked a bit in shock and didn't respond, but he began kissing back, making me smile. I was grinning so much that I had to pull away, making Ashton groan in protest.

I chuckled, "M'sorry, I just couldn't help it." Ashton's eyes fluttered open, his cheeks were flushed and his hair was messy. We had been up there so long that the sky grew dark and the moon and stars shined brightly, the silver light made Ashton look so beautiful.

"Kiss me." Ashton breathed, and quietly added, "Please." How could I resist his plea?

Gently cupping his cheek, I leaned forward once again, capturing his lips in mine. This time, the kiss grew needy and desperate as Ashton wrapped his arms around my neck, tugging softly at my hair as I sucked on his bottom lip, unintentionally making him moan.

I quickly pulled away, panting heavily. Ashton blushed, his eyes widening once he realized he was siting on my lap. He crawled off of me as I whispered,

"We shouldn't-we can't..." He immediately nodded, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around himself, looking cold and a bit hurt. Did Ashton think I said that because I thought he wasn't good enough?

"I'm only saying this because I want to be with you longer before we, y'know... I want it to mean even more than it would now." I grabbed Ashton's hand and brought it up to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his knuckles. "It's not because of you, love. You're perfect." He nodded again, this time with a small smile.

Ashton's smile broke as I helped him stand up, "What are we, Luke?" I smiled sheepishly as a gust of wind blew, making Ashton stand closer to me,

"Well, I was hoping that you'd be my boyfriend, but never mind-" Ashton's eyes widened as he blushed a deep red,

"No, no, no, I do want to be your boyfriend! What are you talking about?" I began to laugh, and pulled him in for a hug, kissing his forehead.

"I was only joking." Ashton let out an angry huff, playfully trying to squirm out of my grip.

We ended up standing there for a few more minutes, just holding each other. No more words were needed, and everything was just perfect. Well, for now at least.

Oops they didn't fuck sorry

I actually don't think there will be smut in this unless someone else writes it because I can't write that kind of stuff idk

BUT HEY THEY'RE TOGETHER NOW YASS let the lashton begin >:D

Ok I'm being weird and I'm so awkward I want to cry seriously it gives me pain bye ~Hannah

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