I shooked my head and told him that I lost my grandfather. He hugged me and told me everything was okay, and that he is in a better place right now. It didn't cheer me up at all, how was everything okay?..

After the members heard about the news, they send me back to my dorm. I laid on bed and close my eyes, releasing the tears once again.

After 30 minutes or so..

"Y/N." A voice called out.

Jungkook, it was his voice.

I looked up and ran into his arms. "I feel like shit jungkook, you promised to protect me, where were you when I needed you the most." I ranted as my tears drop down uncontrollably.

"Shhh." He cooled as one of his arms snaked to my waist and the other pressing my head.

"I know how it feels, just cry all you want, I'll be here with you, talk to me okay?" He whispered.

And honestly, that was when I realised, why I fell for jungkook instead of Jimin. Jimin was good, too good for me. He always gave me words I want to hear, "Hey pretty." Or "you look beautiful." Those were the words I hear daily. When he cheered me up, he told me everything was going to be okay. But that wasn't it. It made me feel as if he didn't care and that I was alone in this.

As for jungkook, he always told me the truth. "This doesn't suit you." Were the words he used. It hurts at first but I knew it was what he felt, and I want to impress him so I changed. And when he comforted me, he assured me that he would be here, he knew how it felt. I didn't feel as lost and alone after his words. It felt as if I was protected by a barrier that he built for me.

I ranted everything to him as he hugged me tightly. My tears were staining his shirt but he didn't mind. After my cries cooled down, he broke the hug. And cupped my cheeks with both of his hands.

He used his thumb to wipe off the excess tears and said, "wanna hear a story?"

I nodded and he ushered me to my bed.

He laid down on the right side while his arms were placed under my head, his other arm wrapped over my stomach.

"Remember how the hyungs always tease us about my humanity?" He started.

"When they said I was the reason you turned it back on?" I said inbetween my sobs.

"Mhmm." He replied with a smile.

"I lost someone important too, it hurt me too much, it was heightened by 10 times anyway, the pain was too much for me to bare, so I turned off my humanity." He continued.

"After which I started killing, but only those who deserved it. And after meeting you, I stopped killing. I showed emotions that I wasn't capable of, desperation, care and.." He finished off.

"And what?" I asked.

Love. It was love.

"And.. anger, because you always make me angry." He teased.

Earning a golden laughter from Y/N.

"You finally smiled." He said.

"Only you could make me do that under this type of circumstances." I said as I gazed into his eyes.

He gazed back and the atmosphere was tensing up. He made an awkward cough and looked away.

I also cleared my throat while trying to find another topic to bring up on.

"You mentioned, heightened by 10 times, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Idiot, I didn't say that, you must be really dazed." He replied, looking flustered.

"Ohh, must be it." I said softly, realising that it was actually a vampire "power".

"Also, even after I got back my humanity and emotions, I didn't feel sad, as in I didn't feel the pain I felt which turned my humanity off. Hyungs said I was because I focused on stronger emotions." He continued the story.

I gazed at his face as he continued the story while closing his eyes. I was so tempted to just kiss him. Something inside me was screaming at me to do it.

However the stupid part of me decided to yawn, in the middle of his story.

His bunny smile revealed, "You should rest, you look really tired. I'll be here till tomorrow, rest assure." He said as the arm under my head moved further to rub my shoulders.

"Good night." I smiled and closed my eyes. Knowing that he would be here for me no matter what, made me a lot happier.

-Jimin's POV-

I wanted to visit Y/N after the hyungs left, I bought her chocolates and was ready to deliver it to her.

But as I reached he building opposite her dorm, I saw two silhouettes hugging each other. "Who is that?" I asked myself.

I went abit closer and realised that it was jungkook hugging Y/N...

I felt my none existent heart cracked.

I stayed all the way, listening to their conversations.

And once the noises stopped, i figured out that Y/N must have fallen asleep.

I felt angry, I didn't want to lose Y/N to jungkook, not without a fight.

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