Chapter XX

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Thursday, June 23, 2016
1 Week, 3 Days Left

The sun filtered through the blinds, creating patches of sunlight on the walls. A bright sunny day, which, emotionally, Dean couldn't say the same. The invisible countdown hung over his head, like a timer. Sam did the math a little while ago, July third was when he was supposed to die. One day before The Fourth of July, which was kind of a shame. Aside from Valentines' day, the perfect day to pick up lonely guys or gals, the Fourth was one of his favorite holidays, it had beer and explosions and all sorts of fun stuff, aside from the aggressively patriotic theme to it. He wouldn't really be able to enjoy it this year, even if he had lived.

But, before the fourth of July or not, the fact that he was going to die in ten days was a stormcloud over his head.

"Hey, Cas? I haven't taken a bath in a while, being sick and all." Dean started. If he smelled as bad as he looked, he probably smelled like absolute shit. "Can I borrow the bath connected to your room? It's probably nicer than mine." He said. He wanted to shower, not just because he smelled like absolute shit, but showers always helped him clear his head. Especially fancy hotel showers, but that's irrelevant.

"Yes, of course, it's connected to my room." He pointed to the door over on the back wall. Dean hadn't really noticed it before, to be totally honest. He glanced at it from time to time, but never really noticed it, and never really went inside.

"Thanks." Dean said, and rolled out of the bed, and held onto the bed for support. Each and every step was painful, and he had to use his arms as support a large majority of the time. When he was five feet away from the door, he collapsed. Thankfully, he was able to grab onto the handle as he was falling.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked, still sitting on the bed. Dean let go of the handle once he got a good grip on it for long enough to give Cas a thumbs-up. Cas nodded, understanding that Dean was okay.

Dean stumbled into the bathroom. The large mirror on the back wall reflected his gaunt, pale face. His hair was matted and no longer stood upright as it's supposed to. He looked like a walking corpse, with the sunken cheeks and paper-pale skin. Has it really only been four days since he was out in the sun last?

He rolled his eyes, and wobbled over to the shower, setting the water to warm. The bathtub had no bath faucet, only the shower head. The water started raining into the tub. Dean really needed to sit down. His legs felt like they were about to break. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching the shower slowly fill it from above. 

The water seemed to sway from side to side for some reason. His headache, which was normally just a dull pain in the back of his head seemed to be pounding against his skull. He let go for a second too long, and sank backwards, hitting the bottom of the tub with a loud thud. 

He passed out for a second, but when he regained consciousness, despite the rain from the shower soaking his hospital gown, it felt like he couldn't move. He just let the water rain down on him, running off of his face, forming little wet drops on his clothes.

"Dean, are you okay?" A deep voice from outside asked. There was the sound of someone attempting to walk across, and the door opened. Cas' head was visible in the cracks of the door.

"I," Dean paused for a second, to regain his breath, "I'm okay."

Cas walked over, using the wall as a guide, and sat down on the edge of the tub, just as Dean had done earlier. Though, at least Dean would be here to catch Cas if he did fall. He looked at the bathtub, and ran his fingers along the grout of the tiles. "Are you sure?"

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