Chapter I

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The blue eyed man looked at the blank document, the small blinking cursor there just reminding him of his idea. Black, then white, then black again. It was just a blank document, but he knew what he should do. His finger hit the first key, then another, then another, until sentences appeared on the screen.

My name is Castiel Novak. This is just another pessimistic story of love that just doesn't work for some, but for me, it's one of the biggest pieces of my life story. His name was Dean Winchester. He was a good man, kind, honest, and a little sarcastic. We would have gotten married, maybe, in the future, and adopted kids in an ideal world, in some sort of perfect dream, if it had it lasted.But it didn't last, and that's the tragedy here.

This story started about two months ago, and we knew how it was going to end from the start. It was going to end in despair, yet we had no choice in the matter. Falling in love is a painless thing, something that sometimes you can't control, and losing it makes you want to die. I tried not to get too attached to him, I really did try to keep my heart on a leash.

Dean, he was absolutely gorgeous, one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. He had soft dirty blond hair and a lot of freckles dotting his face. And his eyes, they were the color of a grassy meadow on a warm summer afternoon. It was a terribly painful when the clouds on that summer day rolled over, the tan on his skin fading away as he got worse.

I knew that one of the biggest things Dean wanted after the crash was a place where he knew he could be safe, and not on death's door. And I understood that feeling. I wanted a place to be safe too. And I found that in him.

Let's begin this story from the start. It was a beautiful sunny day in May, more specifically Thursday, May 19, 2016. It was any other day for him.


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Two brothers were driving down the road in a black Chevy Impala, listening to classic rock blasting on the car's radio, filling the car with music. It was simply just another ordinary day, Dean was picking Sam up from his classes, and they were going home for the night. Dean was messing with the Impala's radio, when the song changed to one he didn't particularly like, while Sam had his laptop on the dashboard, typing up an essay.

Just a typical day for the Winchester brothers, unaware of what dangers loomed above their heads.

A flash of gray passed the Impala's windshield as someone drove right in front of the car. Dean, always protecting his brother, threw himself in front of Sam, to make sure if anyone got hurt, it would be himself. "Dean! No!" Sam yelled out, as they ran headfirst into the gray car.The sounds of shattering glass and breaking bones, then the sound of nothing.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dean blinked open his bright green eyes. The bright lights reflecting on the white walls, the white floor tiles, the white everything, meant that he was in a hospital, all the bright white giving him a headache. The one thing that wasn't white, the door, was closed, and through a small window on the wood he could see Sam talking to one of the nurses.

"Sam!" His voice was muffled by the mask covering his nose. The door opened, and Sam walked inside. His eyes were puffy and red, but when he saw Dean, he instantly looked relieved to see him alive.

"Dean! You're okay!" Sam ran over and pulled Dean into a hug, trying to avoid all of the medical equipment around Dean. Dean tried talking, but no noise came out. "Dean, don't use up your energy." There were tears running down his cheeks, it may be because he alive or because he almost died. Perhaps it was both.

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