Chapter VI

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To be honest, at this point I certainly had feelings for Dean. I don't know why, but he was just a nice man.

Believe me, I had tried desperately to stop my heart from wandering off into the unknown. I knew that if I had fallen for Dean he would die, as death was looming over us all like a shadow, except for some of us it's gaze was darker. I knew that the beautiful man with the grass green eyes and the kind heart would be the death of me, and I was scared for the death of him.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

5 Weeks Left

Dean was hanging out with Sam after his classes, talking about what would happen when Dean died, as you do.

"Are you sure, Dean?" Sam asked, who was sitting on Dean's bed.

"Yeah, I'm sure, it's my funeral so it's my song choice." Dean argued.

"Dean, we are not playing Highway to Hell at your funeral." Sam disagreed, holding back a laugh.

"Why not?" Dean asked. "It's a good song."

"This is a serious event, Dean. At least pick a more...fitting song, if you have to pick classic rock."

"Highway to Hell is fitting." Dean said, and reached over to take a sip of water, his throat was kind of sore.

Sam glared at Dean. "Dean, no."

Gabriel burst in, a candy wrapper falling out of his jacket pocket. "Dean, yes." He joked. There was never a serious moment with Gabriel here. That sounds like a motto to a store or something.

"Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Sam asked, turning around to face Gabriel.

"Of course I was. What else is there to do around here?" He asked, grabbing another lollipop out of the infinite stash in his jean pocket.

Sam stood up and grabbed it out of Gabriel's hands and threw it in the trash, before Gabriel even had time to take the wrapper off. "Three a day, remember?"

"Oh, come on, Sammy. You're not my mom." Gabriel protested.

"No, but I'm your friend, and eating ten thousand lollipops a day's bad for you." Sam said, totally sounding like his mom.

"What's the flip flop for?" Dean asked, looking over. Gabriel was holding a cheap plastic flip flop, like the ones sold in Target.

"My friends, we are playing a very interesting game. I call it Paranoia." Gabriel announced dramatically. Cas sighed, looking upset. Dean hadn't realised that Cas was there, and waved to him. "Don't be upset Cassie, I am here to teach you all the glories of Paranoia."

"Last time I played this with you it did not go over very well." Cas pointed out.

"We were in college, Cas. We'll do fine now, and since you came out I promise to not tell you questions about sex. Doesn't stop others from answering them though."

Cas frowned, then sighed. "Okay then, fine." He said.

"How do you play this game, then?" Sam asked.

"Paranoia? Simple. Person to your left asks a question about someone in the group, and you answer. Then we flip the flip flop. Up side means you're safe, down side means you're revealing that question. And instant embarrassment will happen." Gabriel explained.

"What's embarrassing about the question?" Dean asked.

"Well, the game's no fun unless the questions are embarrassing, right?" Gabriel asked, and the fact that Cas was uncomfortable made a lot more sense now.

Safe and Sound (A Destiel AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now