Chap.21: Surprise, Surprise

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Vladimir's POV

I'm so happy. Not only do I get to skip school, but I even get to see the baby's first ultrasound! I kind of get mad when I think how I wasn't there for Damian's but what's done is done. All the matters is that she's here with me now.

"I don't understand why I can't go to the clinic where I went with Damaian." she complained.

"This doctor is safer since he deals with all mythical beings pregnancy. Plus he's our regular doctor as well." She rolled her eyes at me and leaned her head against the window. Damian ended up waking up and he once again started fussing. His teething makes him so grumpy. He's already pulled Celosia's hair, kick my dad, and it seems as if he purposely pisses on me. He's good with Luna though. Guess it's safe to say he is a momma's boy. We arrived at the clinic and it wasn't all that packed thankfully. It was in this small village deep in the woods where only mythical creatures lived. Since we moved to the knew house it was only just a 20 minute drive from the house.

"Appointment for Black." I told the nurse.

"My, My! Young Vladimir is all grown up now?! How you been boo?"

"Just great Rhonda."

"Ooh an ultrasound today? You're gonna be a daddy already?! Knowing you I thought you would've waited a few more years." She laughed and that's when my son started getting cranky again. "Let me guess he's teething?"

"Yea. He's been a little pain lately."

"I can help." She waved her hand as small white dust entered his mouth and he instantly stopped. "I numbed his gums, but it's not long lasting. This way you can see your ultrasound in peace."

"Thank you." I took my seat next to Luna, who had her eyes closed. Her stomach had a small bump to it and I couldn't help, but place my hand on it. After 10 minutes we were finally called. The nurse checked her weight and measurements as well as her vitals. Everything came out normal and overall she was in good shape.

"Hello I'm Dr. Sans. I will be doing your ultrasound today. Aah Prince Vladimir. Is parenthood doing you good?" He chuckled.

"It's wonderful." I stated. "Wouldn't change it for the world." Luna was just quiet through everything. She lifted up her shirt and applied this gel thing to her stomach.

"Oh well would you look at that?"

"What is it?" I asked with a hint of concern.

"Ms. Black it seems you are having twins look." He pointed to 2 dark human silhouettes.

"WHAT?!?!" She nearly jumped up and stared at the screen.

"Twins. You're about 3 months and it seems they're both boys."

"Oh my god." She started hyperventilating and ended up fainting.

I ended up carrying her and Damian to the car. If I wasn't a vampire I don't think I would have been able to do it. I summoned the shadows to hold Damian as I put Luna in and buckled her. Damian seemed to like the shadows. I then started wondering what his powers would be when he grew up. There's such a vairety. The possiblities are endless.

Luna finally woke up and I was sitting on the edge of bed looking at the ultrasound pictures.

"It's really twins huh." she said as she laid her head on my shoulders.


"How can he tell it's boys so soon."

"He's really wise plus he's a mage." I laughed. "I really wanted a girl though."

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