Chap.18: In Your Arms

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Vladimir's POV

It was over 100 degrees today. I would love to go outside, but I prefer the nice, cool AC. I was just in my boxers laying in bed. Luna was still asleep and so was Damian. I didn't mind though because Luna was right next to me and that's all that mattered. After a few minutes she woke up with messy bed hair.

"Good morning, beautiful." She just glared at me and went into the bathroom. I guess she didn't sleep well. I heard the shower turn on and peeked through the cracked door. Luna was changing out of her pjs. Her stretch marks weren't as dark as they used to be since she uses coconut butter. Once she stepped in I decided to make my move. Just as she was washing her hair with shampoo I took off my boxers and jumped right in with her.

"Vladimir what the-" I cut her off by kissing her.

"Don't worry I won't do anything to you." I hugged her tightly from behind as the water hit us.

"Your lower half thinks otherwise."

"I can't help it. You're just so sexy." I nipped at her earlobe and she blushed. I eventually let her go so she can finish washing, but as soon as she started washing her body it really turned me on. I was in a daze and breathing really hard. I wanted her so badly.

"Luna please... I need you."

"No! Now if you don't stop i'm gonna throw you out of here!" I groaned, but I listened to her orders. When we were done she felt bad and allowed me to put the coconut butter lotion on her. At least it was something. Afterwards I decided I to work out in our gym. It was on the 3rd floor of our house but it had a glass wall that revealed the top of the trees. I started out with simple stretching and worked my way up to bench pressing. I did about 20 in between breaks and finished off with crunches and push ups. My abs and arms were my best features. Just as I was leaving Draco had came in with a huge smile. I already knew what he was gonna say. He got laid.

"Jealous?" he asked smiling.

"Why would I be?"

"Because I can get laid and you can't." he taunted. I jut ignored him and got Damian. He stuck so i wiped his butt and into the tub he goes. He loved the bubbles a lot. I was thinking about getting him a bubble blower, but then again I'm worried he might somehow end up drinking it or getting it in his eyes. When he was done I brought him into the kitchen to see his mother stuffing her face with chips that had Tapatio on them.

"You couldn't eat breakfast first?"

"No. Chips are better."

"How can you eat them with Tapatio?!"

"I love spicy things." She smiled and cleaned her hands before she held Damian. "Are you hungry?"

"Feed him this one." I got out an apple and bananas one instead of the vege table ones. He seemed to like that way better. I then went through the mail that was on the counter and noticed a pink envelope that said "To the Shadows Family" I opened it and realized it was an invitation to her baby shower. She was 7 months now meaning the baby would be born in september. She even attached a picture of her now and underneath the picture read "Madison and mommy." Madison was an ugly name in my opinion. It was scheduled for Saturday and I already knew my mom would make us go. I'm not sure if Luna would though. I showed her the card and she rolled her eyes at it. I was about to say something until my mother ran in.

"Oh the invitation came! I see the name is Madison. Such a cute name. What gift shall we give her? Maybe a blanket will do?"


"Yes dear?"

"We don't even know if it's even your grandchild yet?! Why do you care so much?!"

"Vladimir she doesn't have anyone. Her family is all the way in Paris and she is all alone. She only has us now."

Moonlight Kiss (A Vampire Pregnancy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora