Chapter 8: Grateful

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Jonghyun POV

I stared down at the pending pregnancy test in front of me. 

I got closer to the table where the test was. I felt uneasy, shaking.

Leaving all fear behind me I removed the cover.

My eyes filled with tears as soon as I saw the test in front of me.

"I can't believe this..." I covered my mouth, tears streamed down my pale cheeks. The test clearly and boldly showed 2 lines, this answer was more shocking than I had anticipated. I realized how much of a mess I made of myself. My nose was red, my eyes were puffy, it was pretty clear I was crying.

"I-I'm pregnant?" I mumbled through my tears. I stared into the test a little harder, hoping that my eyes were deceiving me. I placed my hand on my flat stomach in disbelief. 

I took the bathroom tissue and tried my best to wipe my face clean. I still looked rough, but it will have to do. My boyfriend and friends are waiting on me.

I rushed out of the store, trying to get to the car quickly. 

Minho POV

I was very surprised after a good 20 minutes to see my boyfriend approaching the car.

"Hey guys! Sorry I took so long," Jonghyun apologized, his face looking a little red.

"Where were you?! We've been waiting forever!" Taemin exaggerated, staring up Jonghyun with his dark brown eyes.

"Hey hey I said I was sorry. Long line, bathroom trip, it just wasn't a pleasant experience," Jonghyun reassured, smiling.

"You look a little red, were you..crying?" I asked softly, worry filling my deep voice.

"No, it was pretty h-hot in there," Jonghyun stuttered on his words, I raised my eyebrow in suspicion, but ended up brushing that off anyway. A part of me wanted to be mad at him, I was already a little ticked.

"Sorry," Jonghyun let out a guilty apology after seeing me huff and puff, not exchanging a single glance in his direction.

"Its okay," I sighed, "but you know I don't like when you lie."

"I'm really sorry Minho," He pleaded, staring at me, I could only see his face in the corner of my eye because as I previously told you, I wasn't looking at him at all.

The others just kept quiet, I'm pretty sure we put them in an awkward position. They had to listen to our petty argument, its always weird to be stuck in the middle of couple fights. We reached a red light, and I still wouldn't look at Jonghyun. We commonly got in small arguments, considering we are polar opposites. Jonghyun was quiet and reserved. He prefered to play the piano and write songs in peace. While I am quite athletic and ambitious, happy go lucky. Very well mannered and disciplined.

"I need you baby kiss me now...?" The smaller sang with his angellic voice that reached the heavens.

"Yeah whatever," I smirked a little and leaned over and kissed his soft lips. A smile crossed his lips, as he slammed them into mine. Kibum laughed, but we continued to kiss like the light would never turn green.

"I love you," Jonghyun smiled.

"I love you too," I smiled back at my lover, getting lost in his gaze. I gave him one last kiss before the light turned green.

From this point, I continued to drive to the resteraunt until we made it there. We all scattered out of the car, all ready to go inside the resteraunt.

"How many?" The woman at the podium asked me.

"Five," I exchanged a polite smile with the woman, as we waited to be seated.

The Shadows We Pass [JONGHO]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora