This could only mean one thing; she's shucking drunk.

Glass bottles were scattered on the sand and I saw Edwin lying near the fire like he was getting himself roasted, mumbling jibberish while his lips touched the sand. I heard someone approaching and I turned to the side. Finn was there bringing a tray with glasses filled with drinks.

"Hey Newt!"

"Hey there mate. What's going on?"

"Well," He twisted his lips. "The both 'em wanted to try Gus' moonshine. I kept an eye just in case they'd suddenly go for a swim then drown."

"Does her dad know about this?"

Finn shook his head. "Trust me, I'm not interested in getting into an argy-bargy with Robin if he sees this."

I knelt and scooped her in my arms while Finn tried to pull the crate off from her grip but her arms were tightly clasped around it. He exhaled loudly and gave up.

"Yeah, she does that when she's drunk."

Finn frowned. "So this isn't the first time?"

I nodded my head. "We also had our own drink back in the Glade and that pretty much knocked her out everytime."

Maya began to squirm and smack her lips and I couldn't help but giggle at her. Edwin was still sprawled on the sand, soft snores escaping his gaping mouth. The more I looked at him at that perspective, the more his appearance actually reminded me a tad bit of Erin.

"Mrs. Tram sent this." Finn showed the tray of drinks he was holding a while ago. "Coconut water helps with hangovers. I think she should rest in your hut tonight. Don't let her dad see her like this."

Finn accompanied me as I went back to my hut, after Maya finally let go of the crate. We passed by Minho who's standing outside his hut and had a smug look on his face when he saw me carrying a half asleep, drunk Maya. When we entered my hut, I carefully laid her on my bunk while Finn placed the tray on the nightstand.

"Thanks Finn." I said before he nodded and went outside since he still had to head back and deal with a drunk Edwin. I just hoped Maya's dad doesn't find out about this.

I sat beside her once she began to sit up while rubbing her temple. She started to utter slurred and random words.

"Love, you are really weird."

She frowned and groggily covered her ears. I giggled and slowly pulled her hands away. I tried to hand her the coconut drink but she tried to yank it away. Despite her sloppy efforts, she gave up and just drank it.

She then grabbed a pillow and tried beating me up with it. I thought she was just messing around but her face was dead serious. I bit my lip while trying to hold in my laughter. She probably thought she looked intimidating. She was wrong.

I grabbed her hand and she immediately dug her teeth on my skin. I yelped and pulled away.

"Boy, if you touch me," She hiccuped, "I'm going to put you in the maze. And, and, and, let grievers fuck you up."

"I'm sure I could handle them better than you can." I replied. She gasped and began to fumble under the sheets. "What are you doing?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm looking for weapons."

"What the shuck are you yappin' 'bout?"

"Fight me! Fight me, boy." She raised her clenched fists.

"I'll give you a bloody gun if you give me a kiss."

"No! I want....I want a cannon; a big one!" She tried to beat me up again with a pillow. I quickly snatched it away.

"Boy! I will s-s-stab you in the neck." She pointed.

"No you won't," I smiled, "You'd beat the bloody shit out of whoever harms a single hair on me. Remember?"

"Ew, no." She scoffed.

"Just give me a kiss. Then you can have this back." I teased while playfully swinging the pillow infront of her flustered face.

She sat frozen for a few seconds, staring at my face. Her cheeks displayed darker shades of red. It also seems that she couldn't recognize me.

"But, but Newtie is the only one who can kiss me." She hiccuped again.

The sudden change of the atmosphere took me by surprise. I raised an eyebrow while looking at her suspiciously. She was just so aggressive seconds ago and turned into a puppy all of a sudden. She blinked her eyes several time before having another hiccup.

I smirked and pulled this awkward, tiny ball of sunshine to my lap. "Newt is a very lucky shank." I said while kissing her forehead. A few seconds later, she already snaked her hands around my neck and fell asleep, leaning on my chest.

'Maya's PoV:

When I forced my heavy eyes open, I also realized how dry my throat was. I turned to the side and saw several glasses on the nightstand. I reached for one of them and drank it, not even bothering what it was. The taste was weird yet it was helping me feel better so I consumed all of the remaining drinks. I was more aware of my thirst than my cracking headache. With my brain still struggling to recover from lastnight's "drinking", I had very few options.

Once I was on my feet, the room swayed, causing me to lose my balance and crash on the floor with a thud. I groaned and tried to get up but my whole body ached. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Get your ass back in bed." I heard Newt mutter as he entered the room. I grunted, remained sprawled on the floor, waiting for him to pick me up.

He giggled as he placed me back on the bed. I sat and watched as he left and came back with a metal tray and placed it beside me. There was a plate of poached eggs and bread, with a glass of hot water with lemon. I knew this was Mrs. Tram's idea of dealing with a hungover since Quantum men had occasional nights were they just drank Gus' homemade liquors and the day after was mostly not the best. Papa was really strict and he never even made me taste a single drop of it. But last night, I convinced Edwin to share his stolen drinks with me or I'd snitch.

I reluctantly began to eat this special breakfast as slow as I could while Newt just watched. It was uncomfortable to be honest but I needed to recover from this stupid hangover or papa is going to kill me.

"I feel sick." I mumbled after taking a sip of the lemon-infused hot drink.

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I was definitely the luckiest girl in the world to bag a guy like Newt. "You said something silly last night."

I felt my cheeks go warm and I bit my lip nervously.

Newt chuckled softly. "You called me Newtie."

I cringed and rubbed my forehead.

"You were pretty confident when you said it last night."

I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and playfully pecked kisses on my forehead. Well, atleast this is a better way to deal with a headache after a night of heavy drinking.

The Misfire: Book 3 (Newt || Safe and Sound)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat