Chapter 1- A day in the life of..

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A/N- So, In my story I did want to mention the age of my characters. Unlike most fan fictions, I have slightly older main characters. Kayla is 37 and Amy is 34.

Another thing, Jazz is going to have the same body model as the G1 version in this fic. Reason being, I cannot stand to see him with 'claws' and that weird face plate that is suppose to be a visor. :)

Leave reviews if you can, this is my first fic and I'd love the comments to help better my next work.

Also, this story is up on under the same username if you prefer that website.

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, as much as I wish it were true. Amy and Kayla are MINE! :)

On with the show!

A lone black pod soared through space, the bottom starting to glow and flicker as it started to enter Earth's atmosphere. The gentle rocking of the pod was no longer soothing, not by a long shot. After being cramped in the small space for days the mech in the pod shifted uncomfortably. He sighed "Soon..." He'd been waiting to scratch a certain itch on his nose since he woke up from stasis and it was gradually getting worse. He hoped that by checking in with his leader, he could either land soon or just take his mind off of his achy aft.

:Jazz to Prime, ya there?: he commed

A few moments passed before he heard the commanding voice on the other end.

:Go ahead Jazz:

: ETA is around two Earth hours, given everythin' goes smooth.:

:Good, I'll send you the coordinates shortly:

While waiting for the coordinates Jazz lifted his head to touch the pod walls with his nose and rubbed at the itch in vain. "UGH!" He moaned. As he stared at the glass menacingly he spotted another pod making it's way further south, starting to trun red from the heat of descent. Upon further inspection, the opposing pod rotated enough for Jazz to glimpse a Decepticon symbol stamped sideways in red on it's shiny black hull.

His beeper went off and he saw the Earth coordinates flash across his visor.

:Thanks boss bot, I'll catch up to y'all in a bit. Going to slag up this Decepticon glitch 'fore he causes trouble:

:Understood, just make it fast, we cannot afford to waste time.:

:Jazz out!:

I backed up slowly with my camera pointing at the sow and her piglets. The mother javalia had been mild for about 20 minutes, providing me with some spectacular pictures of the sow's gentle side. I fired off a couple more quick shots as the sow decided she'd have enough and regarded me with open hostility, pawing at the dirt with her massive hooves.

"Easy girl... I'm goin'..."

The grey and tan sow snorted and lowered her head, which was still tall enough to easily reach my hips with her shoulder.

A few more steps back and... RUN!

I took off in the opposite direction as fast as I could possibly go.


The sow was hot on my trail with her nose down, baring her massive yellow tusks for me. I tucked the camera under my arm and shot more photos upside down. I'd been working on that sow for a while now, who must have finally gotten tired of a meddling woman getting too close to her piglets.

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