The TRUTH about the Audrey Blanchard COACHELLA ASSAULT !

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"What is up, Drama Alert Nation ?! I'm your host : Killer Keemstar ! Let's get right into the news !" Keemstar announces "Whoo ! Coachella was last weekend and one of the beloved members of our community was attacked." Keemstar introduces the content

"Now, originally, I wasn't going to report on this, but then all of this information was being sent in."

"I just want to make a disclaimer before furthering this video. I have not been able to fact check everything that's in the video, but everything seems to match up in my books. I could be wrong ?! But I could be right ! So yeah let's jump right into this."

"You've all heard to main subjects related to, what we now call the 'Coachella Assault'. The first on being Audrey Blanchard being attacked and the other one being Justin Bieber saving a girl from an assault."

"So now I want us all to re-watch the 'viral' clip. We'll focus on the events that went on rather than the two weirdos that were filming them."

"Shit, yeah... That's Audrey Blanchard."

Audrey is standing far from the duo and can be seen arguing with a man as she steps backwards and looking around while still talking with the man.

"Okay, so at first glance. You can't actually tell what's going on. Except that Audrey is scared, afraid and possibly knows her attacker... Then obviously-"

The man then grabs Audrey's throat, lifting her up from the ground and she can be seen trying to talk with him and then fighting to take the hands off of her throat.

Keemstar taps his keyboard "See this is what I don't get, these two guys are there filming, recording and assault when they can obviously see it's an argument going sour, between a 5"6 girl and a what ? 5"12, 5"11 man... And then Justin Bieber himself comes..."

Suddenly, a man with tattoos and sandy blonde hair can be seen walking up to Audrey and the man and he rests his hand on the man's shoulder and he, Justin punched the man, who let's go of Audrey and she can be seen on the floor crying with a hand resting on her throat in shock. Justin can be seen saying something to her to which she nods as the other guy goes in for a punch, that Justin catches and twists the violent man's elbow far up behind his back. Then security finally comes and separates the two walking the first man away as Justin can be seen helping Audrey up from the floor and resting a hand on her shoulder as he talks and she nods as a group of people run near them and Audrey runs into the arms of someone, that can be recognised as Cameron Dallas.

"Now, we'll come back to Audrey's friendliness with Cameron Dallas later but for now here are some Instagram story clips, where some of you isolated sound and zoomed in on the video. Very professional guys and very interesting. So this one was pulled from Jack Johnson's Instagram story, that's the rapper from Jack and Jack who's coincidentally one of Audrey's best pals Let's play it..."

***the image is deformed as well as the sound but this is what you can understand***

Cameron Dallas is slouched in his seat against a window in a bus and Audrey is lying on top of him, his arms are wrapped around hers. She's playing with his fingers as she appears to be sulking.

"-e just doesn't get it. I'm 19, I don't want to be *loud laughter cancels out what she says* or anything like that..." Audrey says as she rubs her cheek and snuggles into his chest as Cameron kisses the hair at the top of her head and leans back, now cuddling her into his chest

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