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"Do I act cool or like a fangirl ? Is it weird ? I don't know I haven't seen the spiderman movie, but dude is hot."

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"What is up, my beautiful Blanchers !" I greet my vlog "Today is a brand new day and so if you haven't already heard, Meghan Trainor just released a new song featuring lil old me and so there's a live premiere tomorrow on the Ellen Show, tomorrow, did I say it was on the Ellen Show ?" I ask out loud

Charlie walks up behind me, bare chest and joggers barely on, revealing his V line as he's holding onto what appears to be a blunt "You're repeating yourself baby." he says kissing my cheek walking off

"So yeah, we just woke up kinda late it's quarter past nine and I'm meant to be at the dance studio at half ten for our last rehearsal before our live performance, hope you'll be watching !"

"I will !" Charlie shouts from another room

"I know you will, but I was talking to the BlanchFam, the Blanchers, the best family on YouTube... I love you guys !" I say as I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of Fiji water from the fridge and a sports bag "I just got a notification saying my uber is here, so I'll see you at the studio. Mwah !"


"Blanchers, we're just having a break but I just realised you never met Meghan, here." I introduce Meghan awkwardly

"Hey lil ones !" Meghan greets the Blanchers

"Okay, so I'm going to set the camera up and show you the dance."



"Okay, so now that's done. I have to get myself to the Warner Bros studios for a table reading, meaning I get to meet the full cast of the movie for the first time." I explain walking out of the sport complexe that I was just in


"If you've never heard or understood the term : 'table reading'. Concretely, it's when all or just the main actors reunite around a table with the directors, producers and writers. So that we can go through the script and basically, see if there's anything that needs to be changed or the big guys behind the camera's tell us that this is how the character feels or is acting like at that point and so on... The thing is movies like this take approximately 18 months so about a year and a half, but there's a lot of working around my schedule because I've got a lot of stuff, such as filming season 2 of Wizards of Melrose Avenue but that'll be later in the year, soon it'll be the production of Sabrina aka the Riverdale spin-off that I'm playing Sabrina in and now this and on the side there's my music career, where there has been talks of a tour and I've received demands to be the face of some brands so modeling... and then on the other side there's Tom Holland, who's got the whole Marvel/Disney franchised movies to be dealing with there's also George Clooney and Demi Moore so yeah, there's a lot of people with big agendas and time tables." I explain while sitting in the back of my uber


"Ouh... Just got on the premises. I'm so excited. Blanchers, I can't believe I've come this far..." I say then turn my head "Oh my world, I think I can see Tom Holland. Do I act cool or like a fangirl ? Is it weird ? I don't know I haven't seen the spiderman movie, but dude is hot. Oh, wait I've got a boyfriend... Sorry, babe ! Okay, okay, let's do this." I say then as I start walking towards him, he takes off his sunglasses

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