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It was January 29th when I loged into facebook again,Booy I wasnt on for ages..

I instantly see a message and its from Jay-Jay

"Oi m8 :) we havent talked in a while cx"

Ash: well yaah thats happens when you forget about me curly xc"

Jay:cmon now i cant forget about you,you have a special place iny heart ;)

Ash:ohh dont get all romantic on me bird,how about a game of TRUTH&DARE? :P

Jay:ohh bring it midget Cx

We played T&D for almost two hours,when we slipped out of the game and he ended up telling me that he has a crush on me..You can imagine how head over heels I was,concidering that I dreamt of that moment for 3 years now..

We chated for some days after that and on February 3rd he asked me to be his girlfriend..and duuh I said yeees.!:)

A/N Ill update soon I promise!!

-love you guys-♥

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