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~6 months later~

"Holy fuck,holy fuck,holy fuck,I'm getting married omg,am I ready for this?! I'm not ready..I should just tell him and go home and watch star.."

"ASHLEY MARIE GRANDE?! Stop it right now! you were ready six months ago and you are ready now,you love Luke and he loves you and it will be fine,trust me,besides you look beautiful and it would be a shame if nobody saw that dress"Ariana said to me.

That's tight.I made things right with her,after all she is my sister and we have to get along.I have to admit her advices are the best and she has her way of calming me down.

I sigh and go over to Ari and hug her.

"Thank you Ari,you really calmed me down"

There was a knock at the door and Nathan peeked his head in.

"Hey baby Ash can I-i be here with you? I'm so nervous and I-i think I can't do it..",he said looking down,fiddling with his fingers.

Ariana put her hands up in defeat "omg not another one"

Nathan looked confused but I just laughed it off.I got up and walked towards Nathan to pull him in a tight hug.

"Nathan baby you will always be my priority even when I'm married,now we need to stop worrying because we both get married in half an hour and btw you look amazing" I said kissing his cheek.

"Thanks babe you look beautiful"

Me,Nath and Ari chatted for abit when there was a knock at the door.Who could it be now?I'm not expecting anyone.

The door opened to reveal none other then Jai(Luke's twin and ex boyfriend of Ariana).No matter what everyone says I think they made peace and can act civil around eachother.

"Ash hey I came to wish you luck and you look beautiful and Luke is shit scared and I hope I get to be uncle jai soon haha"he scratched the back of his head while secretly checking out Ari.

I smirked because I cought him looking and thank him.He walks out to leave us be.

5 more minutes and I will be a part of the Brooks family.Whoa.

Nathan's pov

Okay I'm abit nervous.Well no,scratch that I'm shitting my pants.Ive been pacing up and down this room for nearly an hour now.I can't take this anymore so I get up and make my way to the room Ashley was staying in.

I knock and peek through the door.

"Hey baby Ash can I-i be here with you? I'm so nervous and I-i think I can't do it.."I say fiddleing with my fingers.

Ariana suddenly shoots up and puts her hands up in defeat while saying "omg not another one".Okay she got me confused with that one.

Ashley laughed and made her way towards me.She looked beautiful in her knee lenght dress which was strapples.

She took my hands and said "Nathan baby you will always be my priority even when I'm married,now we need to stop worrying because we both get married in half an hour and btw you look amazing" she kisses my cheek at the end and I smile down at her.

"Thanks babe you look beautiful"I say.

Ashley leads me to sit down and me,her and Ari chat for abit when Jai came in to wish Ashley luck.He was secretly checking Ariana out,that cheeky thing.They like eachother,still.

5 minutes to go.Whoa.

There is one minute to the wedding and there is a knock at the door.My and Ashley's head shoot up and an old lady peeks in to tell us that it's time.As this is a double wedding we made the arrangments that I will be taking Ashley down the aisle.We get to the front of the church and Ashley takes a deep breath while I take her hand.

We hear the music starting and the doors open.Me and Ashley start walking and I feel Ashley relax while she sets her eyes on Luke.I look up to see Jay smilling like a goon at me.I give him a quick wink while taking in my surroundings.We make it to the aisle and before handing Ashley over to Luke I mumble "take care of my baby"and he gives me a nervous smile.

I make my way towards Jay and he takes my hand entwining our fingers.The priest walks up and smiles to each couple.

"We are gathered here today to join Luke Mark Anthony Brooks&Ashley Marie Grande in holy matchemony and Nathan James Sykes and James McGuiness as well.These two couples decided to crown their love with marriage and commit to themselves for the rest of their lives"the priest spoke.

As we decided for a short church wedding the preist hurries up.

"Luke Mark Anthony Brooks do you take Ashley Marie Grande to be your wedded wife,to have and to hold,for better and for worse,in sickness and in heath and cherish her for the rest of youre life?" he asks.

Luke smiles down at Ashley and shouts "i do". Me and Jay laugh at his responce,while the preist repeats the same to Ashley and she says 'i do' too.

My breathing hitched when the preist turned to us and Jay gives my hand a tight squeeze.

"Nathan James Sykes do you take James McGuiness to be your wedded husband,to have and to hold,for better and for worse,in sickness and in health and cherish him for the rest of youre life?" I look at Ashley and Luke to see them hugging and I look up to Jay to see him smilling.This is really happening.My dream came true.

"Mr Sykes your responce is?"the priest asked.

"oh sorry yeah I do"I say. Smooth Nathan real smooth.

"James McGuiness do you take Nathan James Sykes to be your wedded husband,to have and to hold,for better and for worse,in sickness and in health and cherish him for the rest of youre life?"

Jay doesnt take his time to give an answer he just blurts out "I do,Ofc I do".

"We matched these two couples in holy marriage and hope that love will unite them forever,grooms you might kiss your love ones"

Luke picks Ashley up bridal style and crashes his lips on hers.I look up at Jay and he grabs my waist to pull me closer while kissing me passionatly.

Seems like the saying'Everything will be alright in the end,if it's not alright it's not the end' has a true meaning.Everything worked out perfect.I looked over to Ash who couldn't get her eyes off of Luke I look down the church to see Ari and Jai hugging while he plants a kiss on her forehead and then there's me and Jay.Him holding my waist and me bursting with love.This is just a start of a wonderfull marriage that avaits me and Jay.I can't even think of all the adventures that we will have.Everything is perfect.

"What's on ur mind?" Jay asks me.

"Nothing babe,My dream came true,I married the man I love and that's all that matters" I say and kiss him again.

A/n wedding chappie bitchesss,anyone want an epilouge? I have an idea for one,comment,comment and comment for one!

I hope you guys enjoyed this shitty story,it was a bumpy ride haha,there will be an epilouge or a thank you note next so stay tuned!

ALSO CHECK OUT: My bucket list and my new fanfic Please remember me..

~Jaythan love❤

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