Chapter 39: I hope you're okay

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One question before you start reading. What do you think, should this story's content raiting be mature or not? Is it enough if I put warning to the description that this story contains mature themes? Please, answer, I would appreciate it! :)


"Zane I killed someone!" I yelled and started to trash around in his arms but he didn't let me go. How could I do that?! What kind of a human I am to think that I have the power to decide who lives and who doesn't? I'm killer.

I heard Zane trying to calm me down but it did nothing good to me. I just kept on thrashing around in his arms and finally I broke free.

"Mike!" I heard Zane yell when I started to throw things around. I couldn't think about what I did, I had to get something else to do. I have to leave, I'm crazy, I'm killer.

"Jessica!" Zane yelled and that took me out of my trance where I didn't control my body. I turned around with my tear filled eyes.

"It was only self-defence. Don't blame yourself, it will be okay. Everything's okay, he was going to kill you, you just defended yourself." He talked to me like I was a child.

"But I have no right to decide who lives and who doesn't! I killed a man Zane!" I yelled and at the same time Mike walked to the room and gave something to Zane. That caught my attention.

"What is that?" I started to back away from Zane but he started taking steps towards me.

"Zane, what is that? Don't come close to me!" I backed away to the farthest corner of the room but still Zane walked to me. I tried to push him away but he caught me easily and trapped me to the wall with his hand. I started thrashing around again but he was strong enough to keep me in my place. With his other hand, he put the needle in my neck and my body started to go limb.

"Zane, what did you give me?" I asked as I managed to turn around when both of his hands wrapped around my body. My eyes felt heavy already and I couldn't feel my legs and fingertips.

"Don't you worry about that, it will help you. Now you need to rest, relax princess, I'm here, I protect you forever and always." I couldn't feel my body anymore, what he gave me must be something strong. My eyes closed and with great effort opened again but only half way.

"I hate you..." I managed to say before my eyes closed and didn't open again. I felt betrayed when he gave me something I didn't want, when he put me in danger, when he wasn't here to protect me, when he made me a killer.

"I love you" Was the last thing I heard before I fell to the darkness.


My body hurt like hell and my throat felt sore. I managed to open my eyes and immediately recognized I was in Zane's room. But what caught my eyes was that I didn't see Zane anywhere. My body was drained from energy and I couldn't move at all.

Couple minutes went before the door opened. My eyes widened and I would have frozen but I couldn't move my body so I kind of was already frozen. The man that I killed was right in front of me. There was a bullet hole between his eyes and blood was coming out of it but he was smirking.

"Well, well. What do we have here? You think you can kill me and get away with it. He is coming for you, he will destroy you, kill you. He will make your life a living hell before he kills you. But what's better is that first he will but Zane to watch how you are tortured and then before you die, he will kill Zane and then when you're alone heartbroken, he will bury you alive and there you will die. Alone in the dark with no one to hear your screams of help." He made my body trembling and that was enough for me. He was already right in front of me, I couldn't take it anymore. I was freaking out.

"Zane! Zane!" I yelled him. I have never yelled so loudly but it was loud enough for Zane to burst in the room. He immediately came to my side and took me in his arms.

"Zane, take him away from me! Please" I pleaded. His arms tightened around me and he looked around.

"Who? There is no one in the same room" I looked around and saw that he was right. There was no one. Just seconds ago he was standing in front of me but now he was gone.

"He was there" I whispered. I'm not crazy.

"He is not here, you saw hallucinations. It's normal after your first kill, trust me. I went through it when I was thirteen. You just have to trust me. You'll get through this, I'm here with you." Zane helped me to sit up.

"Do you want something to eat?"


One week later I had come to terms with the fact that I killed someone. Zane talked to me about it and made me realise that I only protected myself. He told me all about his first killing, how he did it, how he got over it, how he managed to live with it. And now I'm over it quite well. I still see some nightmares but they don't bother me that much. Only the words what he said.

"You think you can kill me and get away with it. He is coming for you, he will destroy you, kill you. He will make your life a living hell before he kills you."

They made me scared but not as much as his last words.

"He will kill Zane and then when you're alone heartbroken, he will bury you alive and there you will die. Alone in the dark with no one to hear your screams of help."

But I will keep Zane as safe as possible, even though it is not my job but still.

Zane was at home for the three first days but then he got a call and has been going since then. I've been a little scared to stay alone but there has been someone with me all the times.

Currently I was with James, Zane's driver. We were sitting in the living room eating chips while we watched tv. There was nothing interesting coming but earlier we had an awkward silence so I decided to put the tv on to avoid it.

"James, what is going on?" I broke our silence. I wanted to know what was going on, where Zane was right now and what he had been doing for these days. I never see him anymore.

"You have to be more detailed, what do you mean? Normal mafia things if you ask me." I noticed him trying to avoid the subject. I silenced the tv and turned fully towards him.

"James, tell me what is going on? Where is Zane right now?" I asked sternly. I have the right to know.

"He is on a mission." He still tried to avoid the subject.

"James. I want to know where he is right now" I demanded to know. James looked at me and sighed.

"Fine, you just have to be calm. Can you do that?" He asked and I nodded. "He is on a mission, they got a lead on where Liam might be so they are checking the house now. It's located about 30-minute-drive out of the city. They'll be back around midnight." I nodded at that.

He was outside looking for Liam, that is reason good enough but still I can't help the feeling I get when I know he is doing something dangerous. I just can't help it. Something is definitely going to happen, someone is going to get hurt.

"James, I need to get to him right now!" I jumped up and saw James' eyes widen.

"No, we're not going anywhere." He continued watching the silenced tv. I groaned in frustration.

"Fine, I'll go by myself and when I get in trouble or lost, I have no idea what Zane is going to do to you..." I trailed off. Even though I hated to blackmail him, I had to. I have to get to Zane as quickly as possible.

"Wait, wait! I come with you. You don't even know where it is. I drive you there." I smirked inwardly when I grabbed my jacket. James helped me inside the backseat and went to his seat in front. When I put my seat belt on, he started the car and our half an hour drive started.

"Thank you James. I make sure you don't get into trouble." I smiled at him through the rearview mirror.

"I have no other choice but I appreciate it. Thank you miss." And we fell in silence for the rest of the ride.

Zane I'm coming, I hope you're okay. 

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