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the hot sun blazed upon arabella's skin as she made her way over to where her lover for the past three years laid beneath the soil with old flowers and cards surrounding his headstone from her previous visits. she rested the brand new roses she had gotten from their favorite flower shop next to the others before pulling out her loved one's favorite book; to kill a mockingbird.

she read page after page out loud, letting time gradually pass by, while not even noticing the handsome gentleman who was about forty yards away from her talking to himself. arabella glanced up from the novel curious as to whose voice she was hearing in the distance and saw as a familiar looking boy maybe in his early twenties was heading her way.

the boy sat down beside arabella flashing her a warm smile in the process and arabella knew he'd looked familiar; he was here everyday just like her, visiting a loved one.

"don't be weirded out," he quicked a glance arabella's way before staring down at the dirt, "i've seen you around here plenty of times and i'm just now getting the courage to come say hi," arabella blushed slightly at his remark, giving him a small smile in return.

"i'm ethan, you?" he smiled once again making arabella's cheeks immediately heat up in response to him.

"arabella," arabella's cheeks this time heated up in embarrassment as she had always been ashamed at the strange name her mother had given to her after her grandmother.

"so who's this you're visiting, arabella?" ethan's eyes flicked to the letters that spelled out "jason simmons" on the gravestone.

"my boyfriend. h-he died of cancer three years ago. it was a hard fight a-and he didn't make it," arabella could feel the tears welling up, but pushed them back in an attempt to not look weak in front of someone she had just met.

"i feel you," ethan let out a sigh as memories of his loved one who had passed flooded his mind, "my girlfriend died two years ago in a car wreck," arabella's heart felt a pang of sadness due to the fact she knew exactly what it felt like to deal with such tragedy at a young age. she was only eighteen when jason had died on his deathbed whilst holding her hand and telling her to stay strong for him.

"now i come here everyday and tell her what i'm up to these days," ethan chuckled slightly and arabella too gave a short laugh, remembering how she used to do that too, but stopped.

"anyways enough about me, tell me about jason. what was he like?" ethan turned his head toward arabella as she began telling of things her and jason loved to do together and who he was a person.

and as the sun began to set at the very lonely graveyard, the two sat sharing memories of their buried lovers, listening to one another tell stories of what it was like living with them while being madly in love. they'd both fallen in love at a young age not knowing it would all lead to sitting on gravestone with a stranger, reminiscing about the wonderful times they'd had while still alive.

𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑➳𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍✔Where stories live. Discover now