"Here." I throw a sweatshirt of mine that was laying on the floor to her. I get the crib ready in 20 minutes. I walk back out to the living room to see Robert and Zach making weird faces.

"Can I just ask what are you doing to my son?" I ask them as they turn to look at me.

"Just making some funny faces to try to get him to smile or laugh." Robert says.

"The kids not even a day old." I tell them.

"Yeah, but still." He says as I shake my head.

"You guys are weird." I tell them.

"Do you guys still want him or can I take him into my room?" I ask

"Nah you can take him. We need to finish our game like real men" Zach says.

"You have fun with that." I say picking the car seat up and bringing him to my room. I walk in placing him on the dresser.

"You wanna say hi to Peter?" I ask Maria

"Yeah sure." She says. I take him out carefully bringing him over to her. I sit next to her on the bed handing Peter over to her.

"He doesn't seem like a crier." She says playing with his fingers.

"I bet you're gonna regret saying that later tonight." I say laughing as I wrap an arm around her shoulder. She leans her head onto me.

"So do you think were gonna be good parents?" She ask

"Yeah I think so. We have people for us if we ever need help." I tell her. I pull my phone out of my pocket looking at the time, 6:17.

"Wanna show the world our baby boy?" I ask her. She nods smiling. We fix ourselves. I go to the camera and angle it perfectly. I snap a few pictures. I show them to her and we agree on one.

AlexConstancio: We would proudly like to announce the birth of our first child Peter James Constancio born March 2 at 4:08 am. Welcome to the family little buddy.

"Can you send me that picture?" She ask me.

"Yeah." I send it to her. I put Peter in his crib since he was falling asleep and thankfully he didn't cry.

"Now we can cuddle." I say hopping on the bed. She wraps her arms around my torso and mine go around her waist.

"You seem sad, you okay?" I ask. She nods her head no.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at her.

"Honestly I don't know. I just got sad for no reason." Her saying that concerned me.

"What do you feel right now?" I ask her

"Just sad, pain, emptiness."

"Is this the first time you felt like this?" I ask her. She nods her head no.

"Maria I think you should go talk to someone." I tell her

"Alex I'm fine. They're probably just mood swings." She tells me.

"Maria..." I glare at her

"Alex..." She moans. Okay that was hot.

"Don't moan my name."

"Why did it turn you on?" She ask giving me a delivious stare.

"Yes." I admit a bit embarassed.

"You turn me on all the time. No need to be embarassed love." She climbs on my lap kissing my neck. A knock comes from the door interrupting our make out session.

"Come in." I say not to loud.

"Hey were thinking about ordering pizza for dinner? You guys in?" Zach ask

From An Orphanage To Meeting Him (An Austin Mahone & Crew Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now