Chapter 27

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*Alex's POV*

After I drop off Emily and Austin at Austin's house I drive to my house with Maria.

"Babe." I say. She looks at me.

"You okay?" I ask her. She just nods her head yes. We pull up to my house. I pull in the driveway and I get out. I open Maria's door for her and she gets out. I grab her hand.

"Come on." I say and start walking down the driveway. She just walks doesn't say a word.

"We're going to take a walk and I will make you talk." I say. She just looks at me. Why isn't she talking? I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Hey you." I say. She gives me a small smile. We're by a park and I lead her over there. We sit on the swings.

"Wanna talk to me? Please?" I say and stick my bottom lip out. She nods her head and she takes a breathe to talk.

"I don't know what I want." She says

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"I mean I wanna give my parents a chance but I don't." She tells me

"Is that why you been quiet this whole time?" I ask her. She nods.

"Just do what your heart wants to do." I tell her

"What if it tells me to go with my parents? I don't know where they live. What would happen to us?" She says. That got me thinking. She's right. Where would this relationship go? I don't wanna break up if she does leave.

"If you go with your parents, then we will make our relationship work. I don't care if its long distance. I want to be with you, I need to be with you. You make me happy all the time when were together." I tell her

"You really mean that?" Maria ask

"Every word." I say as I get off my swing and walk in front of her and lean down to kiss her. She smiles and I do too. We pull away.

"Come on cutie lets go back to my house. It looks like I'm going to rain." I say looking at the sky. She gets up and we intertwine our fingers together. We start waking home. Halfway there and it starts down pouring. We start running.

"wait!" I say. Maria turns to face me.

"What?" She says.

"This." I say and go up to her and kiss her in. Yes kissing in the pouring rain. I don't care if I get sick from this. I just want to be with her. We pull away and I give her my sweatshirt. We run back to my house. We walk inside.

"Oh my gosh you kids are soaking wet! Get out of those wet clothes!" My mom says. I bring Maria upstairs. I give her a towel and then I give her a pair of shorts, a shirt, and another one of my sweatshirts. She changes and so do I.

"You look good in my clothes." I say pulling her close and kissing her

"You look better in them." She says

"Nope you do." I tell her. We go lay on my bed watching "Full House" Maria fall asleep around 11. I kiss her cheek and turn off the tv and go to sleep.

From An Orphanage To Meeting Him (An Austin Mahone & Crew Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now