Chapter 61

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*Alex's POV*

Me and Maria woke up the next morning at 10:00 am. We had to be at the airport in a hour and half. We got out of bed and I went into the bathroom to change. I came out in shorts and a shirt with my SnapBack and my Jordan's. Maria was wearing shorts with a pink tank top with a white bandeau underneath. She finished curling her hair. I was looking at my hair in her mirror.

"Can I straighten your hair one day?" She asked me.

"I'm gonna ask you why first." I say to her

"I wanna see what you would look like." She says and laughs.

"Fine but you will not ruin my precious hair."

"I won't, I promise." She says

"Since you get to do my hair, I get to do yours." I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Okay I'm fine with that. Can I put makeup on you also? Please." She says and gives my her puppy dog eyes.

"Haha no makeup. Straighten my hair go ahead, but makeup that's a no." I say. She pouts.

"Fine then." She says and grabs her bag and goes downstairs.

"Hey wait up!" I say and grab my bag and phone and run after her. I tackle her on the couch and were both laughing. I start tickling her.

"Alex..... stop..... I..... Can't... Breathe...." She says laughing. I stop and climb on top of her.

"Hey there, can I help you?" She ask me. I smile at her and lean down and kiss her. She kisses me back and shes moves her arms to my neck. We continue kissing until someone clears their throat. We pull away and I turn around and it's her dad. Talk about awkward.

"Hey daddy." Maria says with her cheeks red.

"Morning Maria, Alex." Her dad says nodding at me.

"Morning sir." I say and get out of Maria. Her dad goes back upstairs.

"That was awkward..." I say

"Yeah... sorry about that. He's kind of protective and everything. I swear it looked like he wanted to like kill you when he saw us." She said.

"That's why we go to my house all the time. My parents love you and don't give you death glares." I say laughing.

"No my parents love you, there just being protective cause they know I love you and they see how happy I am with you and they don't want me being hurt." She explains to me.

"I'm not hurting you, I love you to much." I say and kiss her quickly. Austin and Emily came down a nod then Michelle and Dave came out of here.

"Alright kids lets go. We're gonna be late" Michelle says

"Mom do we have to?" Austin says whining

"Yes Austin, I know you don't want to leave, but give it a couple months and then there with us for the whole summer." Michelle says. Austin sighs and we all get in the car. We get to the airport and were sitting in the lobby. They call there flight and I bro hug Austin.

"Text me man, I'll see ya soon." I say.

"Bye Austin." Maria says and hugs him. He hugs her back and they pull away. Last is Emily. I put my arm around Maria while they say bye.

*Austin's POV*

I said bye to Maria and Alex. Now it's time for Emily. I hate saying bye to her.

"We'll this is it again." I say taking her hands

"Don't leave." She says wanting to cry.

"Hey beautiful, listen, I don't wanna leave either. Trust me, if I was able to I would stay or I would bring you with me. You guys already missed to much school. But I promise this is the last time were apart for months okay? Please don't cry." I say hugging her. She hugs me back. I look down at her. I kiss her. I'm gonna miss kissing her. The lady on the loudspeaker came on again.

"I love you." I say

"I love you too. Be safe please." She says.

"I will, I promise." I say. I let her out of my grip and then I grab my carry on and walk down the terminal. Well to Miami I go into misery.

*Emily's POV*

He left. Again. For another couple months. I hope it ends soon. I want to see him again. I go to the bathroom with Maria to fix myself and then we leave to go to school. We get to school and lunch just started. We walk to lunch and sit down with everyone. Lunch ended and I continued my day. I checked my phone constantly but I got nothing from Austin. I hope he's okay. School ends and still nothing from Austin. We all walk home. Alex goes home and me and Maria go home the other way.

"You okay?" Maria ask me. I nod my head no.

"What's wrong?" She ask

"I miss Austin and I still haven't heard anything from him. I'm worried." I explain to her.

"I promise you, he's fine. Maybe he's doing something in the studio and can't use his phone right now." She says. We get home and we do homework. We finish our homework and then we eat dinner. After dinner I check my phone and still nothing from him. Now I'm really worried. I sigh. I get up and pick my outfit out for tomorrow. I look at the time. 9:30 what to do. I decided to watch tv. I turn the tv on and I fall asleep. I woke up the next morning at 5 due to my alarm. I shut it off and look at my phone. 1 new message from.... AUSTIN! Yes!


Awww that was the cutest he ever wrote.

Me: aww baby that almost made me cry. You're so cute. I love you way more and missing you is crazy

I put my phone down and start getting ready for school. Alex comes and gets us and then its off to school. Please let these few months go faster.

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