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A thudding vibration rustles me into hallway consciousness, and I groan and turn over, trying to stay asleep. Another earthquake-like rumbling ripples through the room. Now I'm up, wide-awake, and looking around frantically. Another loud crash and I'm knocked off my feet. Strands of hair fall into my face as I stand, but I push them away and tie it up. I hear lots of shouting then rapid gunfire outside, but I can't tell exactly where from, whether it is inside or outside the base.

My fists beat fiercely at the door, but no one is around to hear me. I begin shouting out names of some of the men, for someone to let me out.

Maybe it's just an exercise, I think to myself, Maybe, hopefully, but probably not.

Another explosion tests my balance. I look around frantically at the same room I've looked at for days. And then it hits me. The vent. It's small. But I think I'm slim enough to fit through. I scoot the bed over; the scraping against the linoleum hurts my ears. The rickety frame is tall enough that I can reach the vent, and it easily pops open.

Shoulda thought of this sooner.

It takes some effort, though the push-ups helped a great deal, to hoist myself up into the vent. It's much too small, and I feel instantly claustrophobic. Panic begins to take over as I inch myself forward nonetheless, but soon I feel stuck. The metal tube shudders with another explosion and I reach my breaking point; instantly I back up and fall out of the shaft. I plop onto my bed, breathing heavily. One more blast sounds before I'm calm enough to sit up.

I prop my elbows on my knees, head in my hands in defeat. There is nothing I can do.

The Fear Within MeWhere stories live. Discover now