Dahyun and Chaeyoung: Things I Want to Tell You.

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*Chaeyoung's POV*

Dahyun has always been a person I cared about. I don't think I'll ever fall out of love. I am so in love with this girl. Oh my goodness, help me; I'm so in love with her, it's unhealthy.

So it definitely wasn't love at first sight. I don't really believe in that, it doesn't make sense. Anyways, we were in the same music club... Both rappers. We weren't the only rappers but we were the only rappers who were around the same age, Dahyun is a little older. When I first saw her, I JUDGED HER. "I doubt a church girl can rap and she definitely doesn't look like a rapper." I thought to myself because at the time, Dahyun really did not look like a rapper... It was funny.

(Dahyun predebut)

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(Dahyun predebut)

But of course, we ended up getting partnered up for rapping. To my surprise, she was good. In all honesty, I thought I was better but she was still good. We talked a little bit and we did not click, we were just two rappers who got partnered up.

Later on, we were all split into groups. C-team, JV, and Varsity rappers. Basically C-team is the team that isn't as skilled and are usually the freshmen(Grade 9). JV is pretty skilled, they are typically sophomores and juniors(Grade 10/11). Meanwhile, varsity is the best but it's usually only seniors(Grade 12), freshmen and sophomores rarely ever make varsity.

So at the time, I was a freshmen and Dahyun was a sophomore. Even though I was a freshmen, I thought I had a chance at varsity. I thought Dahyun had one too. Alas, we did not make varsity. We both made JV though so that's still good.

On the team, we really bonded. We bonded so much... Maybe too much? We started talking more and as I got to know her, she was different than I imagined. Because I know her as being religious, I thought we were going to agree on different things but we ad similar beliefs! I was surprised but then we really started to connect. We talked about sensitive topics like LGBTQ+. As a Christian, I really expected her to be against it but she was so supportive... I was confused about myself and told her. She told me it was okay. I really felt security.

Dang, I fell for her after that.

It was her fault. After she knew I liked girls to, she flirted with me as if she was actually trying to get with me. She would call me beautiful, tell me to sit next to her, move real close to me. I will always remember the moment I knew I was done for and that she had my heart... the day she put her hand on my thigh. I tensed up and I had no idea what to do. My heart was beating so loud, I was breathing heavy. I looked like an idiot but she knew what she was doing to me.

It even evolved into her calling me her girlfriend as a joke. She said I was the only one. She said I was all she needed. She said I was better than any guy. She told me I had a special place in her heart, she was being completely serious too. Lastly, she said she loved me... it was all a joke and I knew it but I lost grip of reality and let my brain trick me into believing it was all real.

Years passed and we remained the same, in love... or at least I was. I was now a junior and she was a senior in school... it was her last year. We were varsity rappers, even though rapping is a huge part of my life, I can't think of rapping without Dahyun... but then it happened.

She got a boyfriend. She always talked to me about him... that evil girl knew I was jealous yet she continued to do it. She always tried to make me jealous, I still don't know why. Did she want me to be jealous? Did she like me?

If she could make me jealous, I decided that I could try to make her jealous too. I told her about all the people I liked, guys and girls. She got mad, she got jealous, she got so upset we got into an argument... an argument that ended changing us forever.

One day, I decided to figure out once and for all. I told her that I used to like her. I said "used to" even though I still did. I just knew it wouldn't work between us but I still had a little hope, even if she didn't like me— I wanted her to say the she used to like me too but my dreams were too big. "Oh, I know. It was obvious." Was all Dahyun said back.

It was her last year being a rapper in a music club so I tried to ignore what she said and act normal. I think I did a pretty good job. Her time at the club was coming to an end and I cried like a baby. I cried and cried, I didn't want to see her go, I didn't want to rap without Dahyun. Dahyun was like my partner in crime, even though we had our ups and downs, I still love her.

Anyways, it came to an end but I still saw her around school... we were basically strangers. She didn't even look at me. I wonder why to this day. I was so in love with her and sometimes I wonder if she ever loved me back... Even though she started acting cold at the end, I do believe that she had some feelings for me; even if it was the tiniest crush, I'd be okay with that. I'm actually okay even if she never had feelings for me, I just want her back in my life.

Currently, I still see her around school but we're complete strangers. But Dahyun, there are things I want to tell her but I can't so I'm writing this.
"Dahyun, I got a D in one of my classes."
"Dahyun, I start driving soon."
"Dahyun, I've gained so much weight."
"Dahyun, I got a job."
"Dahyun, I'm scared and worried."
"Dahyun, I'm lonely."
"Dahyun, I miss you like fucking crazy."
"Dahyun, I've loved you for years now... I don't know when I'll stop."
These are the things I want to tell you, there's more but you get the point. I want to tell you the small things in my life and the big things. I want to hear tell me things too...
Why did you do this to me?

Oh yeah, and she had a glow up but I loved her even before so that's real love.

Oh yeah, and she had a glow up but I loved her even before so that's real love

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