Momo and Tzuyu: Against the Rules.

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Tzuyu is the perfect daughter. She loves her parents very much and will never hurt the people she loves. So she has never done anything her parents were against and does everything they want. Even when they asked her to study abroad in Korea, she listened to them. When Tzuyu went to Korea, everything fascinated her. While she was there, she listened to her parents and focused on studying until she saw Momo. Momo was also a foreigner in Korea. Momo was a personal trainer in Japan but moved to Korea because most of her clients were Korean. Since she didn't know Korean either, she had to learn. Momo and Tzuyu ended up taking the same Korean language classes. They were even seat partners.
"Hello, I'm Tzuyu from Taiwan." Tzuyu greeted first.
"Hello, I'm Momo from Japan. Nice to meet you." Momo said back.
"You have a really nice body." Tzuyu looked Momo up and down and complimented her with no emotion.
"Haha, thank you. I'm a personal trainer so I'd hope so. You have a nice body yourself and you're pretty!" Momo said energetically.
"Thank you." Tzuyu said emotionless once again.
What's up with her? She's so emotionless it's weird. It's kinda cute. Thought Momo.
"You're kinda cute." Momo admitted.
"I know right, I'm cute right." Tzuyu joked and laughed.
So she does have a playful side to her.

After seeing each other in class everyday, it was only natural that they got close. They got so close and starting to plan dates. That's when things got complicated. Tzuyu was busy with her other studies while Momo had to work. Tzuyu comes up with a suggestion.
"How about we skip?"
"Skip what?" Momo was confused.
"Let's skip this class." Tzuyu suggested.
"That's against the rules." Momo reminded.
"Yeah but it's not like this is that important. We both know Korean pretty well already and we have no other free time." Tzuyu explained.
"Wow, you're a bad influence." Momo was surprised.
Tzuyu smiled mischievously while thinking I hope she doesn't notice that this is my first time breaking any rules at all...
"Okay, you're right. Let's skip class. What do you want to do?" Momo asked.
"Dance?" Tzuyu said unsurely.
"Clubbing??" Momo was shocked.
"No, no. Karaoke." Tzuyu reassured.
"Okay, good."

Like planned, they skipped class and went to karaoke. Most of the time, Tzuyu sang and Momo dance. They occasionally switched so that Tzuyu would dance and Momo would sing. At karaoke was when Tzuyu realized her feelings.
Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.
Tzuyu's heart beat loudly as she watched Momo dance.
What is this? I've never felt this feeling before. Is this what it means to like someone? That's probably why I wanted to hang out with her so badly that I was willing to skip class. Tzuyu thought. She accepted the fact she liked Momo right away.

After that date, they started going on more; still just as friends. Eventually, the school told Tzuyu's parents because it became too much. Instead of confronting her, they flew to Korea to visit her because they thought she sick since she had never skipped before. When they arrived to Korea, they were shocked to see Tzuyu was fine and was just wandering around Korea with Momo. They marched towards her and she was absolutely shocked to see them. She quickly let go of Momo's hand that she was holding.
"Mom, dad... What are you doing here?" Tzuyu's voice was shaking and it was the first time Momo ever heard it like that... Momo was worried for her.
"We heard you've been skipping and thought you were sick... Is this what you've been doing?" Her dad asked.
"Has she been telling you to skip?" Her mom asked and pointed to Momo. Since they were speaking Chinese, Momo couldn't understand and was confused. She was even more confused when Tzuyu started to shout.
"No! She has nothing to anything! It was all my idea." Tzuyu got defensive.
"One more incident like this and you will be coming back to Taiwan with us." Her dad warned.
"Yes dad." Tzuyu said.
"Let's leave. She's not even sick." Tzuyu's mom said as she pulled her husband away.

What are they saying? Momo wondered.

Tzuyu sighed and held Momo's hand again.

"What did they say?" Momo asked.
"I have to go back to Tai-" Tzuyu couldn't finished when Momo panicked and interrupted.
"You have to go back?! Why?!" Momo's heart dropped.
"You didn't let me finish... I have to go back if I misbehave again." Tzuyu reassured. Momo felt at peace.
"Thank goodness." Momo said out loud.
"Were you scared?" Tzuyu asked while smiling.
"Of course! I don't want you going back."
"Oh, looks like someone has fallen for me." Tzuyu teased.
Momo thought for a second... Do I?
"I actually think I have." Momo answered.
Tzuyu blushed.
"You have too, haven't you?" Momo asked. Tzuyu blushed some more and couldn't hide her smile.
"You have!" Momo shouted.
"Shhhh" Tzuyu looked around.
"We're a couple now." Momo laughed and looked at Tzuyu.
"Alright." Tzuyu said coolly.
Momo kissed Tzuyu's cheek and they continued with their day.

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