excitedly, once we were out of the car, morgan pulled me towards their "normal spot", our shoes making indentations in the creamy white sand. the sky was black, the beach lit up by the white lamp shades far in the distance. she pointed towards a patch of sand far in the distance, where no light would be received, but i was assured it was perfect. i huffed, shaking away my paranoia; this was what being a teenager was all about, right? taking risks, making mistakes. keeping this in my mind, we neared what i could now see as a small group of people, huddled around a log fire.

'ryland! morgan!' i heard a shout, jerking my head up to see garrett running towards us with a big smile. we grinned widely, morgan throwing her arms around him and pulling him into a hug.

'right, potter,' my sister said with narrowed eyes as the blonde boy giggled, 'where's your gorgeous brother?' he scrunched his nose up in mockery before laughing loudly once more and telling us to follow him. we did as he said, finally reaching the crowd.

the fire was alive, flames dancing over the wood as the long haired boy from the library threw more paper and wood in. claiming that he wanted to introduce me to everyone, garrett pulled an arm around my shoulder and pointed to the fire. 'that's drew, my best friend.' he said happily as the long haired boy looked up with a grin, greeting me before saying that someone called joey had brought more alcohol for us.

a few feet away, two boys were sat on the sand. the lighter haired of the two was sat on the other's lap, hands in his dark – almost black – hair, lips staircasing each other.

'for fucks sake, sorry,' garrett apologised as i turned red. my mind had travelled to shane and our kiss, and butterflies were dancing in the core of my stomach. 'joey, daniel, if you could stop air-fucking for just one second, that would be great. you have to meet ryland, morgan's brother.' his sarcastic comment made the two pull apart, both of them cheekily grinning with pink cheeks.

'i'm daniel.' the taller one said from underneath the smaller boy. his eyes were a dark chocolatey brown, like his hair, and they were full of warmth. the other one smiled happily as his neck had small kisses pressed onto it, giggling and pushing daniel off. 'i'm joey, graceffa. this is my perv of a boyfriend.' he smirked and garrett rolled his eyes.

i was tapped on my back and spun around to face two boys i'd never seen before. garrett cheered as he saw the curly haired one, noticing the bottle of vodka clutched between his long fingers. 'finally, you're here!' garrett exclaimed excitedly, 'this is dan and phil. they go to bourne hill, that private academy down the road.'

i took a second to absorb all this new information, all the new people, the new names, before meeting eyes with the two boys. one had jet black hair, styled in a messy quiff that fell a little over his left eye, and his eyes were such a piercing blue that i almost had to take a step back. next was the taller one, who had a brunette mop of poodle-like hair and golden brown eyes.

smiling back at them, i wondered how old they were. 'so, are you—'

'no we're just friends.' dan cut in quickly, shutting down my question.

i blushed red. 'oh, i wasn't asking that. i was gonna ask if you guys were in year eleven.' i admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. they laughed awkwardly and garrett shook his head in amusement. he headed over to my sister, who was now with andrew, and i followed closely behind.

'garrett. hey. what's your poison?' the red head spoke up, and i creased my forehead in confusion.

morgan rolled her eyes, throwing me an empty red paper cup. 'he means "what do you want to drink", dork.' she laughed as realisation spread across my face and my eyes flicked over the cooling box of alcohol.

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