By the time Lu Hao's team reached F City's main base, a horde of zombies had stormed the gate. A giant hole had been torn through the checkpoint, and the corpses writhed as they walked past it.

The highest level of these zombies was only level 4. The SG's assault unit dived in on the mass of zombies, blowing them and tearing them apart with their powers. Lu Hao and the rest of the unit advanced through the whirlwind of blood and limbs, the goggles and lower face masks protecting them from being tainted.

After passing the checkpoint, a course of energy like static rushed through Lu Hao. The other members of the SG directly hissed in pain, falling to their knees.

Lu Hao looked up.

There, standing in front of the base, energy pouring off of it in physical waves, was the King-class zombie.

It groaned, its ghastly mouth propping open. An unbelievable pressure emanated from this zombie, crushing every weaker existence within its presence.

The corner of Lu Hao's mouth curled up. He extended his arm and flicked a hand. A bolt of lightning shrieked into life, like a raging storm swirling around his fingertips.

The wave of energy rippled from his hand. This time, it was the King-class zombie that shuddered.

Lu Hao raised the other hand to his com.

"Lu Hao to F City Command. I'm taking care of it."

In the ruins of the entrance to F City's main base, a team of men picked their way across the rubble.

Dust floated in the air, illuminated by the vague rays of sunlight which peeked through the white smog. The men wore masks to protect themselves from the air and from the stench of the decomposing zombie corpses scattered across the area.

When they reached the edge of a crater in the ground, they stopped. The man at the lead turned around.

Trailing behind this team of fighters were another two men. Despite this being the apocalypse, one wore a pressed and fitted suit. He was a tall man, his imposing and cutting presence heightened by his sleek appearance. He had a dangerous aura of someone who dealed regularly in death, and his face could not be seen behind the mask. By comparison, the man beside him seemed to fade into the background even though he wore an authoritative military uniform.

The man in the suit gave a nod. The team leader saluted in confirmation, and the team of men jumped down the ledge into the crater. They carefully walked toward the center toward a charred and unrecognizable heap.

"This is all that's left?" The suited man's voice was cold.

"Yes, sir," the military officer answered.

"Were any injuries sustained by the SG?"

"No, sir. As far as we could tell."

The two men watched the team of soldiers carefully excavate the half-melted, half-burned remains of he first King-level zombie.

The suited man let out a slow breath.

He said, "Tell the girl to continue monitoring the SG. Your payment will be available at the usual area."

The officer standing behind him, Officer Tang, the man the government had appointed to liaise with the SG, bowed in salute. "Yes, Boss."

Lu Hao rested in the back seat of the jeep on the way back. The fight had drained him; he couldn't even light up a spark now, but all things considered, it wasn't so bad. The fight could've gone much worse.

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