Extra 5: Zombie King Lu Hao

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Mood: Silly, super sappy fluff
Summary: Zombie Hao kidnaps home a human! Short and sweet.

Zombie Lu Hao had been wandering for a very long time before he found the most amazing treasure in the universe.

To a zombie's senses, humans smelled the most delicious and fragrant, but for some reason, Zombie Hao found them repugnant. They were like buckets of moldy grease, completely unappetizing. Although he never ate any of these humans, he didn't hesitate to zap them like flies if they started being too stinky near his territory.

As for Zombie Hao's territory, it was the whole southern side of what was once known as F City. He didn't remember it was called that, of course. Zombie Hao, while a lot smarter than other zombies, didn't remember any words or names of things. All he knew was that this was 'his place', and anyone that dared to trespass would have to face a very angry zombie.

That was, until Zombie Hao smelled a very delicious scent.

Just outside of Zombie Hao's territory, one of those loud metal beasts roared, and fleshy humans jumped out of it. Zombie Hao had been annoyed by the sound, especially now that his hearing kept getting better and better, so he went to go beat them up. But once he got there, Zombie Hao's nose twitched.

One of the humans was very, very, very tasty-smelling.

Zombie Hao's mouth watered, and he forgot about the other humans. In an instant, he snatched the fragrant human and ran back to his den. Behind him, the others made a small fuss, but he didn't care. After all, he didn't understand the words said behind him, "The Zombie King took Hong Sheng!"

As for the prey in his arms, it was very quiet and shocked. Once Zombie Hao made it back to his den, he took his human inside. Though to Zombie Hao, this building was just a large place that was pleasing to the eye, a certain living person clearly saw the hotel banner advertising the newly-opened luxury couples' suites on the top floor.

The reading-capable prey: "......"

On the top floor, Zombie Hao took his prey to the enormous round nest, which was covered in fluffy heart-shaped pillows and soft bedding. Finally safe and isolated in the nest, Zombie Hao dug his nose against the crook of his prey's nest and breathed in deep.


This was really the tastiest human he'd ever smelled!

Zombie Hao's mouth watered, and kept sniffing hard, locking the prey in his arms so that he would have the best access to its wonderful scent.

A bit of cold sweat started to drip from the prey's skin, which tickled Zombie Hao's nose. Irritated, he licked the sweat clean, only to discover that the human's taste was even better than its smell!


With that, Zombie Hao eagerly started licking the human's neck with the same fervor and passion as a dog gnawing on a bone.

The human prey who'd turned into a dog's bone: ".............."

This kept going for a while until that sour-fear sweat had all been licked away. But then, the human kept getting even more delicious as its skin turned red and sensitive from being licked too much. Addicted, Zombie Hao was ready to go for another round of licking when the human prey hesitantly tapped on his shoulder and said something.

"...Lu, Lu Hao?"

"?" Zombie Hao crooked his head over to look at the prey.

Then, he discovered something even more amazing!

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