Chapter 18: A New Recruit, A New Beginning

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Chapter 18: A New Recruit, A New Beginning 

A/N: Another day, another chapter, I suppose. I hope you guys like what this one will have in store! - Mitch

A/N (From Kass): I'm off my rocker in most of this stuff.

A/N (From Ali): More writing!! Yay!! It's a thing to do now. Now to actually write something that is productive. (From Mitch): (Really Ali? XD)

    Kass eventually went from tree to tree until he could easily access the same window he had used to let himself in the first time and entered through the study again being ever more silent than last time. Kass crept along to the only other bed in the house and slipped into the closet for some rest.

    "Ali, Yuuki and Mike are DATING." I said in shock.

    "Good for Mike. Kass I know you're there, this is my house... At this point I don't even care, have fun." Alipha said before walking toward the direction of her study.

Kass came out and followed her into the study and found somewhere he could squeeze into to sleep.

"Kass, get off of the bookshelf, for all I care you curl up under the counter, but not in between the books." Alipha said grabbing a couple of books.

Kass crawled under her desk and curled up extremely tiny.

I sent a message to Ali that I'd see her later and I was heading back to the castle. After I did, I went and found Yuuki. "Hey." I smiled.  

Yuuki jumped, "Oh, hey Mitch." She said.

Alipha smiled at Kass, but kept to reading. Kass bit her foot.

    "So, what's up?" I smiled. "Sorry if  I startled you."

    Alipha glared at Kass kicking him.

    "I was only playing..."

    "It's fine, but not much." Yuuki replied.

    "Then why the fuck would you bite my fucking foot. The hell is even wrong with you." Alipha responded. 

    "Eh, same here. Also, a little birdy told me about you and Mike." I smirked.

    "You was wiggling your toes and they looked yummy...." Kass went to nibble her toes again.

    "What... nooooo..." Yuuki said hiding a blush.

    "No I wasn't, asshole." Alipha responded, going to kick him again.

    "Don't lie to me." I said. "I'll be honest. Thank you for this, Mike's been really lonely as of late." I smiled with a hand on her shoulder.

    Kass latched onto her leg and wouldn't let go. "I will nom!!!!"

    Yuuki smiled her blush fading. "I'm glad I could help!"

    Alipha just kicked Kass with her other foot.

    Kass crawled or rather slithered up her leg and to her arm "Nope!!"

    I hugged her gently. "Treat him well for me." I said softly.

    "FUCKING ASSHOLE WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN MY HOUSE?!" Alipha yelled at him.

    "I will!" Yuuki said, rather proud of herself.

    Kass smirked "You told me to come remember?"

    "I'm glad you joined us." I smiled and patted her head before spotting Midnight while I was well-rested for once. "Hey sis." I smiled.

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