Chapter 1: First Contact

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Chapter 1: First Contact

It was an ordinary day in the guild areas, or so it was for a while anyway. As I was checking on the dragons, they were tipped off by the scent of players. Not any of us either, so that could mean only one thing: Player Killers. But not just any PKers, it was Titan's Hand. They had escaped and Rosalia had an orange cursor and led the attack. I rallied Laretox, my Hellhound that looked like the Pokemon, Houndoom, Laurafaine, my Shisa dog that looked more like a dog and the Pokemon Arcanine before running to the enclosure of my Indominus Rex, Omega. I had them transform into humans and we would execute the SoH protocol: Arrest PKers, kill if you have no choice. We would end up not having a choice. Minus Rosalia herself, there were 12 of her goons coming in an attack on the castle. They were here elite guards. "ALIPHA, USER, JOSH, ANYONE IN THE CASTLE, GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK. TITAN'S HAND HAS ESCAPED AND THEY ARE CHARGING THE CASTLE." Tox had his closely held halberd and his shield, Laura had her twin daggers and Omega her greatsword. I awaited responses and potential reinforcements.

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Alipha yelled, "Maka, Onyx, Sylvia, Darcie, come on!"


"I turn my back for one second and this happens..." User grumbled to herself, "How many times this castle gonna get raided?"

"This is far from the past situations. This attack is organized, I can tell." Tox commented.

"We have a High Value Target! Rosalia is present! Arrest by any means necessary!!" I called.

"Wait, Rosalia got out of jail? What the hell did I miss? Was I in a coma for like 50 years or something?" User shouted from the back of the group gathered around the attackers.

"Maka, get the Commanders and Josh, NOW!!" I called out.

"On it!" Maka yelled, now turning around to get Midnight, Inori, and Josh.

"Well aren't we a bunch of screwed over people!?" Darcie yelled.

"YA THINK?!!" I yelled. "User, get Aryun, Lupus, and any Familiars you can grab!" I ordered.

"I swear to whatever sick god you believe in, if it's Rosalia I will hurt somebody!" Aryun yells in the heat of the moment.

"Aryun, Rosalia is leading the charge. Kill if it's the last resort!" I called, waiting for a move to be made as it became a standstill.

"Can't we just stab her a bunch of times and get it over with already?" Lupus complained.

"We go by guild protocols, Lupus. No questions." I was tactical.

"I agree with Lupus, wouldn't that solve this whole situation?" Darcie said in agreement.

"DARCIE, THAT IS AN ORDER. HOLD OUT FOR JOSH AND THE OTHERS." I snapped. "Where the hell is Maka?!!" I muttered.

Maka had managed to get Inori, Midnight, and Josh. She was on her way back to the group, with the trio following behind her. "Mitch, commanders have been dispatched!" She called out.

"Josh! Get up here! Quickly!" I called, heavy armor and scimitars equipped. "Get the other two as well!"

"We're right here!" Inori and Midnight said at the same exact time.

"Mitch, we're all here, so why the hell are we getting attacked again, and how did Rosalia escape?!" Josh yelled.

"IF I KNEW, I WOULD HAVE SAID, NOW WOULDN'T I?!!" I barked. I noticed Rosalia step up to the front of the group, condescendingly, like she was going to address Josh. I had my blades locked on her.

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