Chapter 14: Fun in ALO and the Idea of GGO

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Chapter 14: Fun in ALO and the Idea of GGO

A/N: Sorry we haven't written in a while, things have come up like school for Ali, but we're good now! Enjoy the chapter!

Alipha's Note: School has been trying to kill me, but we should be getting chapters done quicker. Meaning sometimes we might be able to write several chapters in one day. Should be fun enough, if I ain't dead from school that is. *dies*

Totally Unrelated Note From Ali: Math has become Maths, English has become Englishing, and Science has become The Dangerous Class.

UPDATED A/N: WE IS TAKING FOREVER TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER, THANKS TO SCHOOL FOR ME. Now that I'm done yelling. We hope to get it done soon, since we haven't done it in a while.~Ali

TRUE UPDATED A/N: So I'm updating this a week later. I guess we just forgot about it? Maybe? Plus as I type this Mitch's Docs ain't working, so we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe. I don't know. Could just not work, and we don't get anything done till then. Plus it just loaded. For him. Yay! Now to the true writing. ~Alipha

P.S.-I don't care if Mitch don't think these are necessary.

Later on, Maka and I, Josh and Yuki/Midnight, Scarlett/Rosalia and Leo, along with the other couples got married after SAO. Kayaba and Dad were close again and everything was the same as it was before SAO minus the weddings. ALO was addictive. Kayaba became a Salamander and David, my father a Gnome along with my brother Michael becoming an Undine. Maka's brother, Gabriel became a Salamander like his sister. Josh was an Imp and Yuki a Cait Sith, Scarlett a Salamander obviously, Leo was a Sylph like me, Inori an Undine like Mike and the others came as they chose. We started clearing New Aincrad and found the guild bases and reinstated everything as it was in SAO. We also began playing GGO and that was adrenaline-packed. We decided to form a group in ALO and go fight the next boss with a newfound friend and Imp like Josh who joined SoH, Yuuki Konno.

"You guys ready?" I asked. Rings were on the fingers of those who were married.

The familiars nodded, Dad and Mike nodded as well. Mike had a rod and a shortsword while Dad had a two-handed broadsword like a claymore. Everyone else chose how they saw fit. We were at the boss room.

"Of course, I wanna kick something's ass!!" Darcie said a smirk on her face, implying she might try to pull something.

"Darcie, don't try anything." Maka said, glaring back at her.

"Alright, alright." Darcie said.

   Everyone else either gave a nod, or said something along the lines of, "Of course I'm ready!"

"Yuuki. Ready to see how we fight?" I smirked.

"Of course! I wanna see how you fight!" Yuuki said with a smile.

"TANKS UP FRONT!!" I commanded. It was my basic strategy everyone knew and I could adapt with.

What was demanded, was done, quickly and quietly. Everyone was ready to take the boss out. Wanting to progress to the next Floor.

"DPS behind them and Healers stay behind!!" I took position behind the tanks as I saw Asuna, Mike and Inori healing from behind with Yuuki and Maka on my sides. I stayed close to Maka, which would bring the question to light from Yuuki.

"Yuuki, you're probably wondering why I'm sticking so close to her, aren't you?" I asked.

"Just a bit." She said.

"We're one of the many married couples here." I smiled warmly towards both of them, but more so to Maka.

Maka smiled, as did Yuuki.

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