Chapter 3: The Breakout/The Enemy of My Enemy

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Chapter 3: The Breakout/The Enemy of My Enemy

A/N: This is a chapter split into two pieces: One piece is Rosalia encountering PoH, Laughing Coffin's Leader and Red-Eyed XaXa, his right-hand man in what would seem to be hostility at first, but it would be to join forces. They both would explain their situations and her escape from prison, but something from the battle is still affecting Rosalia. Hope you enjoy! WARNING FOR AMINO COMMUNITIES THIS WILL BE POSTED TO: There will be language used in this chapter especially. You have been warned if you choose to read.

Rosalia, still broken by the battle, didn't know where she was going because her ears were bleeding and damage sustained because of the roar from Omega's Killer Call skill debilitating her severely. Little did she know that she was about to encounter the only survivors of the LC ambush on the KoB base, Granzam, PoH and Red-Eyed XaXa, the leader and right-hand man respectively. They soon encountered each other, Rosalia having her spear with a crossblade in hand, PoH having his butcher knife, the «Mate Chopper», and XaXa, his estoc as he was a master with it. "What are you doing here, Rosalia? State your business." He said, not realizing her ears are bleeding and she can barely hear to literally save her life.

"Boss, her ears are bleeding, we need to get her help. Then she can talk." XaXa was dumbfounded as to how her ears were bleeding and she was so damaged.

He sighed. "Alright. We'll get you aid and then you need to talk." That much could be heard as he healed her and she was able to hear again.

"Fucking Mitch, and his oversized T-Rex!" She shouted. "Could barely hear you before, but I'm here because I attempted an attack on the Swords of Harmony guild, but failed. Now I need back up for them. Plus a way to take out that god damned dinosaur."

"O-OMEGA?!! THE INDOMINUS REX?!!! THAT FUCKING HYBRID. I should have known." For the first time anyone was around him, PoH was paralyzed by fear. "You do know he has a dragon that's way beyond any of our levels, right? It destroyed 3 huge compounds we used for recon. Level 75." He stated, much to Rosalia's shock. "Now explain the full situation and by the way, Omega is Level 50, so good luck with that, even with backup." He then waited for her explanation.

"Oh, so you want me to tell you how they beat the shit out of us? I summed the situation up." Rosalia said. "Isn't saying a failed attack on SoH summing it up?"

"How did it fail? The damn KoB got word long before we even got there. DAYS before. I mean, they crushed our elites! Fucking Heathcliff and Asuna...." XaXa hissed.

"It's best we team up, round up any forces we have and gather any rogue PKers to put an end to SoH and the KoB. It won't be an easy fight, but in the end, the victory will be sweet." He smirked. "Now, how the hell are you even out of prison?!" PoH asked. "And knowing both guilds, they allied up by now and hunkered their defenses down. Mitch, Josh, Heathcliff, and Asuna are very strategic."

"Oh, you would want to hear that story." Rosalia said. "Took forever, but I managed. They were stupid enough to put me in a cell right next to one of my guildmates. Had a bit of help, I mean, you can't do that by yourself you know."

"How many did you lose in the battle?" PoH asked. "We lost about twenty-four." He said again, to her shock.

"Seriously!? We only lost about half that. Most being my strongest." Rosalia said. "I'm still pissed about the situation, which is the only reason you found me."

He sighed. "Did Elias come out too?" He was clearly annoyed.

"Something like that.. I've never seen anything like what I had seen. Something was different."

"How so?" He was curious.

"It wasn't black, but blood red, filled the entire area. His voice even changed to something more like the devil himself." Rosalia said. "His power became impossible to comprehend. Some kind of supercharge, or divine power, using his body. Whatever that thing was, doubt it was what we know anymore, killed three of my men, that were at full health, with a single hit."

They were shaking in fear at this point in time. "This is suicide! We have to fight, no matter what! They can't have this one-up on us!" PoH said. "We need a strategy ASAP. Round up any solo PKers you can find. Was that ex-Shadow Bolt Leader there in her little command seat?" He was snide about Midnight. "Was anything else out of the ordinary?"

"The Familiars. Something wasn't right." Rosalia said.

"What about them? What's going on? But was Midnight there too?" XaXa asked.

"Yes, Midnight was there." Rosalia said, "They weren't all creatures."

"WHAT?!! EXPLAIN." He was freaking out right now.

"Some were human." Rosalia said.

"No way..." XaXa said. "They're always one step ahead of us!"

"Now, now, XaXa. We'll win if we get enough numbers. Trust me." He smirked. "SoH, the KoB, and Mitch in particular will die, and very soon. Are you with me, Rosalia?" He smirked again, devilishly this time.

"Why wouldn't I be? I have revenge to take." Rosalia said.

"Let's start recruiting then, shall we?" PoH asked knowing the answer already.

"You know my answer." Rosalia said with a smirk, "Time to teach them a lesson."

"Good. Then let's start right now." With that, our enemies would be gathering a formidable force that would cause battle after battle on the frontlines. Stalemate after stalemate with no side gaining ground, just like the First World War's trench warfare.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, it didn't take all too long, but train of thought got lost every once in a while See ya for chapter four! - Mitch, Alipha, and User

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